Today is May 30th, no more entries..I'll draw the winner
& post on June 1st
THANK YOU for commenting and caring.

This is my 400th post since I began my (our) journey in October of 2007.
To celebrate the miracles I found, the friends whom God sent to me
& all Pink Warriors..I will Gift someone this lovely
5 by 7 print on 2 inch board and ready to hang.
Just leave a comment on my blog. Comment until May 30th..and if you add the
Gift Away to your blog, let me know..I'll put your name in a second time.
Drawing the winner on June 1st

Hair today May 20th , 2009

My hubby Rich in the middle, with his niece Jayne on left
and his sister Rhonda on the right

This is one of the best presents EVER
My friend sent them to me.. 3 nests (the one with the big
eggs is a Hummingbird nest) NO nests or eggs were
taken from the trees. Mother Nature deposited them
on the ground.

The lilacs bloomed, the scent is heady and now they
are on the way out. WAAH see ya next year dear

The grandsons came to visit.
Above is Cole (7) & Joe (8)
Second pic is Caleb , Cole's brother(6)
I was sorry to see Danny Gokey get eliminated from
American Idol. Tonight it's either Chris Allen or
Adam Lambert. With Danny gone, I voted for Chris
We shall see.
About Me
I feel good, get tired but I am able to garden.
My tiredness is from the pain in my body
I think. I have pain constantly, but I just keep
going. My surgery hurts, my ribs and spine
and my right arm. Just battle scars ..smiles
A Christian husband
Old friends