Cole turned 8 on July 30th. He's my oldest daughter's oldest son.
so we had a small party , just us girls, for him.

This is Bunny, he/she belongs to Nicole.
Both the boys have bunnies too.
Caleb's bunny is Bunny's dad. Cole said..Bunny is Caleb's bunny
brother and dad.. OMG he was right.

Caleb took this picture. He'll be 6 in October.
Me, Nicole, Cole & Bunnty & Nicole's room mate, Ashley.

Ok, now notice the BOYS.


Notice the boys again.

Are you seeing patterns yet?? Caleb is jumping!!!!!!

I just love this guy!! but he's Nicole's pay back .
My dad said to me lots of times
"wait till you have kids"
(my dad has been gone one year on Aug. 5th, dearly missed by us)

Cole has some NEW teeth.

Do you see?? Cole is quiet and sweet.
Caleb is one crazy boy, makes gramma so
stressed sometimes..I feel sick.

No matter what comes with can
always love them and leave them.
PS ..I had two Mojitos at Nicole's and
I got stopped for speeding..doing 54 in
a 40 MPH zone.. I KNOW better..but I
felt so free. Had rock music on and the windows
down and I have HAIR.
He said "oh you weren't speeding too much, I'll
just write you a warning" WOOOH I was so glad
but I deserved a ticket..
TeeHee..till next time