As the calendar turns ..to another year..I want to reflect on 2007,
Some highlights
- My new blog friends
- My dear gold friends
- My new friend Sally, right here in Peoria, who I met online!!
- My last daughter fled the nest
- My website ~The Primitive Gathering
- Helping with Creative Call Studios
- The wonderful friends of Art in the World , a Yahoo group
- The community on ZNE
- My new roses that bloomed in the garden
- Seeing my first Kingfisher
- Breast Cancer diagnosis on 10/28
- Mastectomy on 12/12 with reconstructive surgery
- Amazing doctors, Dr. Jones and Dr. Mammolito
- Lasik Eye Surgery in April
- New Breast Friends
- My son graduate from Motorcycle Mechanic School and is a certified Harley Davidson Mechanic
- 8 new holly bushes
- A crazy mole family in our backyard
- My 14th wedding anniversary in February
- My 52nd birthday in April
- My son turned 35
- My oldest daughter turned 25
- My youngest daughter turned 18
- My Pink Razor phone & Pink Bluetooth for my ear
- A New MacBook, NO viruses ALL year, not ONE!!
- Deeper Faith in God
- Closer relationships with all my loved ones
- A WAY cute Lauren Jean Jacket
- A trip to Phoenix AZ for my son's graduation
- My BFF has a new grandson, Hunter
- Another Year of life in the Singing Woods
- Right before my diagnosis , an overwhelming sense of hopelessness *which went away immediately after the cancer news*
- In December,FINALLY, just Rich and I in this big house
- Christmas Breakfast with my kids and grands
- Hubby gave me a necklace & earring, made of silver & pearls, made just for me
- Selling our old house after 2 years
- Wearing jeans again after surgery
- A new Brighton purse & pill box
- Gifts given with love from so many friends
- Finally being happy with who I am
- Ice and snow storms
- Seeing the space shuttle in the horizon
- Renewed Friendships
- Discovering "The Sopranos"
- Netflix
- Doing my first "show" at Cinammon Creek's in KY with dear friends..BJ & Sherry
- Seeing deer in the yard
- A little Red Fox visited our yard
- Hearing the Coyotes at night
- Seeing oh so many Eagles on the river
- Andre Bocelli
- My favorite book I read this year, The Tenth Circle
- My favorite movie this year, The Martian Child
There are lots more ..all blessings, but might be boring to you!!
May 2008 be a BLESSED year for each and every one of us.
I'm determined to fight the fight
I believe in tomorrow & I intend to be part of it