Watching "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" with hunny hunk hubby. Trying to upload my video..A God visit & didn't want to scare others ..tteeehhheee with ugh self on it. You at least know I'm bald.
Today was a visit too Dr Diane Prager, blood work all good, except my white blood count is below 8,000 never been that low , at it's hightest it was28,oo0, they moved my MRI by my request to tommorow @ 7AM, Rich will be there. I will let you all know when we know. I was told to TAKE my Darvocet..teehee...every 4 hrs. Not as needed.
The girls( the nurse med student & nurse practitioner) cried ..cuz I cry all the time. Be not sad for me!! Nicole cried when they asked me if I was ready for this and I said IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. Much love & keep on keeping on to coin a pink friends bog. The www, this STUPID WINDOWS & all electronics hate me now. Had to have Amy @ S'more Couiterre dial my cell phone before it would work Even Sally couldn't get it right. Dr said my symptons are normal for having the radiation & permanent. Miracles do happen. At the Cancer Center today as I was leaving. I feel like taking my blog to invite only, but if I am sharing I am sharing openly and it will help others and hurt some. My goal genetic testing for Her2NEU@ 20 & sonograms on the breast of girls when the first get PaP smears!!!! 210,000 will be diagnosed with BC the year! Enough we need more womens health & as women enter this area we will GET more..
"Let me get this right..you want me to balance the ball on my head and ride the unicycle"
a card from Tina of Garden Goose Gifts
My new friend from the UK, she & her son battle canser. Her son's battle started in 1977, her sharing of experience and advice from someone who's been there has been a blessing for me. What she shared with me yesterday was HOPE
She had these earrings on in a picture she sent..I had to have them..she sent me the link & Rich helped me order 3 pair (my girls have to wait till Christmas) teehee
My Pink Friend, Michelle asked for opinions on what to do with her hair now that it has begun to wave goodbye. Here is my response for anyone who faces this decision.
Michelle ..both times I lost my hair..I didn't do it until I could not stand hair on my pillowcase all the time, washing my hair and the falling out just wouldn't stop last b& but not least ..this last time I lost my hair, I was at my grandson's football game with a cap on..the bit of hair at my neck was just blowing out in the breeze. ENOUGH I said..you'll know when it's right for you!!! You must do as you are, let your body tell YOU what to do( her daughter had a concert she WANTED to attend ( chemo, not just feeling ill, it's poison and docs hope it kills the canser before it kills us)
Visit my NATURE BLOG to see my God Visit yesterday
Today WE have an appt with my Phsyciatrist , Rich agreed to talk with her also. He is so anxious it is NOT healthy. Hope she can help him with meds. Out to dinner with friends and a little cap of softs made just for under wigs. Saturday my Oncology Massage Therapist is coming at 9AM. I can't wait to meet her. Football games on Saturday and Sunday too. I need to take a break. Small chores are too taxing. I can barely punch numbers on the phone correctly. Yesterday I tried to call Rich from the TV remote & I realized it when the TV turned stations. My whole day is like that!!!!! much love
Keep praying for all who need it, pray for Dee today , her first chemo was yesterday.
The simplest chores are really hard for me, so I'll be taking a break..but my friend can post updates for me so don't worry if I'm on not posting..I will READ the comments and answer emails
I'm working on getting my photos online now . Click the FMF banner on my sidebar to see ALL the selllers. My friend Mollye has a new bloggy, stop by today, tell her "deena sent me" teehee
He visits each of us daily , today as I was walking past the front door, I saw a little buck right in FRONT of the door. Oh so sweetly he tiptoed past. I knew he was going to eat crabapples, I grabbed the phone & called honey hunk hubby. Then I opened the door & went out..saw no deer. I walked closer & Mr. Deer lifted his head. I waved, (Waves at Wildlife, remember my hubby nicknamed me that ..along with W B, water bag, cause I cry so easily) . Wish it had been more than daybreak ..pictures don't take well then. God send him for me to enjoy & I did. ...I have not seen a deer near here since July or so.
Breast Canser has been the biggest blessing with God
I brought my Rad Mask home yesterday, it'll be my Halloween mask now. Teehee. I watched "Living Proof" again. You MUST see it. Yesterday was bad and OH so good.
My youngest grandson Steven, he was a sick lil boy at birth, GOD answers prayers