With a hubby this good, 2 is better than one.
I wrote about the leaves burning and stopped my post
& went out , started a leave burn in my vented can..
I am WAY to OCD

Rich & me goofing off with I photo ..we are just a couple of kids
Rich calls me gigglypuss.

I have so much too share I may have to post more than once.
On the deck, enjoying my Nestle that keeps me peaceful.
The leaves are changing and falling. Is that why
Autumn is referred to as "Fall"??
I love this season, cool crisp air, leaves crackling under your feet,
the smell of burning leaves and moss.

Hello!! I am back from Steroid Hell!! It was WICKED.
I am on a low dose & hopefully totally weaned off
soon. I had Gamma Knife Surgery on 3 of the first batch
of my Brain Mets. (5).
They have been through Gamma Knife Surgery, Whole Brain Radiation & a second
Gamma Knife Surgery. Right now those tumors look the same..no larger.. no smaller
but I will be getting another MRI soon, just to monitor any changes.
If these tumors don't decrease in size or start growing again, the next step
is Brain Surgery. Just drill where each tumor is , remove it & move on to 2
& 3. I'm all for that. Get rid of them & move on. I'd be in hospital for maybe
5 days, as one is a bit deep in. My balance is so off, I tumble from a
stooping position, I can't walk a straight line unless I am walking with
my arns at my sides. It's ok, I can deal .
My friends have to keep a close watch on me & my belongings. The 2nd
thing I did at the
"Fine Art Fair" at our river front, was lose my wallet with all my ID, cards, money,
insurance card EEEKKKK.
My BFFs Marcia & Michele ..Michele stayed with me, while Marcia scouted
the last place, I stopped .. It was there!!! They thought it was a little boys.. Teehee, I love it. The ladies at that table were
selling raffle tickets. No I didn't win, shoot.
I've more to post..check back .