Every day when I step out of the shower
I see this plaque on the wall. My friend sent it
to me (she is dear and has helped me alot through
this cancer journey)
Today is God's Gift
I am glad I keep getting today.. I love my life mostly
although things have been difficult with my youngest
back home with 2 more cat
I was in Stage 4 already in Oct of 2007
after having a mammogram
in Oct. 2006
if you feel something
insist on a mammogram
no matter what age.
Girls in their 20' s are
more and more begin diagnosed with breast
CANCER ..One in Two Men
One in Three Women
We need a cure for all cancer.
Sept has seen so many cancer victims pass, I can tell
you 5 friends and relatives have passed this month
of cancer..
Pray for the world!! Miracles do happen.I am one!!

I fear I am not as sweet as I should be, especially to
hubby hunk. I just the house back, with just hubby, our
fat GOOD cat and me here
I had kids in the house for 35 years and just got the house back with
just us ..I like it. I'm selfish with my time with hubby.
of Springfield IL. We had a great time,
George..my awesome step dad, Mary Jo me MOM
my brother Jeff, sis inlaw Lisa and nephew Ethan (13 yrs)
It's great to have family..
my dad and step mom and step brother are all deceased.
I just realized my mom LOVES me, silly of me not to know.
It feels great to have a MOM and such a great step dad..he is
a keeper like my Hunny Hunk..
A happy wife is a happy life..George said when I asked
him why he babies my mom..so cool guy, builds homes in
Springfield IL and they are AWESOME
I am not sure if this is what I signed up to do..but I am going to
blog my breasts..I think they want us to show them..Ford has (or did have)
a wall of breasts and I am on there..
You won't see my face..I invite all my Pink Friends to show your
scars and support Breast Cancer Awareness Month..October 1st is
the kick off..let's start a tradition..bring those boobies out of the
~~Celebrate we are Survivors~~