Monday, July 23, 2012

   After all this time, I have recovered my blog.  I want every one to know, after 5 years of fighting cancer, I HAVE WON.
I have recovered my BLOG also.   Things have changed, but I will muddle through it all.!! More news to come.

Many smiles,  Deena


  1. Deena~it is so good to see you again!!!
    Love, Debra

  2. I'm doing cartwheels!!(well, not really but in my heart) I'm so joyful for you and I'm hoping and praying the very best for you. Looking forward to your sweet blog. God bless, Diane

  3. Oh Deena!! I have been so concerned about you! I can't tell you how excited I am for you!!!! God Bless You!! I look forward to your blogging again, have missed you so much! Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!!

  4. How wonderful to see your sweet face dear Deena!!!! You have been a warrior my friend!! I can't wait to see more from you and hear about your life, sending you big ol' welcome home hugs!!! Dawn

  5. So very wonderful to see you back to blogging!! You have been missed. So glad you won. Can't wait to see you back to posting again!
    Lisa :O)

  6. Deena, what wonderful, joyful news!

  7. That is the most wonderful news!!!
    Can't wait to hear more from you, Deena.

  8. That is AWESOME new!!!! So glad to read your blog again.

  9. Hooray!!! I am so happy for you. I never stopped checking in to see if there was any new blogging activity or news of your health. So glad you are back to blogging. Keep it up. You are blessed!!!!

  10. OH Sweet Deena, This is wonderful news! GLORY to JESUS! Hugs, Judy

  11. Blessings.. my mother had both brain surgery, and
    radiation. I can see the hardships every day.
    God bless.
    Hello, my name is Ari, I am a survivor (so far...) of two cancers, a widower of a cancer victim (now re-married..) and is dedicated to fighting cancer, and helping others do so.
    I lived in Toronto, Canada (my family is in southern California), and last year, after marriage, I moved to the Philippines. I am majority owner of a Dialysis clinic, and built a unique cancer clinic, the one I dreamt of having when my first wife was struggling. I took her to Mexico clinics twice, for treatments (which were very successful!), talked to dozens of physicians, and always found lack of properly equipped clinics, which could do a lot better if they were.
    Along the way, I have gained insight of how proper Hyperthermia should be applied. This is a method which doubles the success rate of conventional therapies, and alternative ones as well, provided it is done properly. I have purchased the most powerful device for this, and added two other types of devices, which when applied in the right order, prevent a process of DE-sensitizing of cancer cells to the effects of specific frequency hyperthermia. We also do mild whole body hyperthermia in order to strengthen the immune system (with no side effects),and help reach the right thermo-therapeutic levels within the tumour.(the right temperature simply destroys the tumour...). There are also other aspects to this, biological ones, which for lack of commercial incentive (UN-patentable..) is not pursued by multinational pharmaceutical corporations which control all medical research in the field.
    I also introduced other forms of immunotherapy, and alternative cytotoxic elements, such as Helixor, a mistletoe extract, which has three times better success rate then most chemo agents, without the side effects.
    I can give information about many clinics I learned about, (mainly in Mexico and Germany
    If you are interested in getting free advice, please feel free to contact me, @
    Ari Idan

  12. Oh Deena....this post makes me cry and smile all at once!!! So very happy to see you, and to hear that you are doing so much better. We have all worried and prayed when you have been silent...prayers do get answered! Love *e*

  13. HOORAY! That is the very best news!!! You have been such a couragous woman throughout your battle and, no doubt, a HUGE inspiration to others!

  14. Needless to say, Bob and I are over the moon this morning reading your post and knowing you're back with us Deena dearest! This is wonderful news and we so look forward to hearing more about what's happening in your life.

    Happy day to you dear..............seeing you back has made our week that's for sure!

    Hugs - Mary and Bob in NC

  15. So good to see you posting again Deena! xoxo Lana

  16. Oh How wonderful Deena, I feel the same way, it makes me cry and smile at the same time. What a blessing life is. So happy youre back to blogging and wish you the best of best you definetly deserve it. Excited to see what youre going to be blogging about, alot of catching up to do :)
    Many Hugs

  17. Deena! This is wonderful news! I know many of us have been so worried about you. I look forward to you blogging again about what is going on in your life.

  18. Welcome home to blogging, Deena. It's obvious that we've all missed you and been concerned for you. love, Zoë

  19. Yay!! So glad you're back to blogging and feeling better too!

  20. You have been on my mind so much!! I am so so so happy!!

  21. Wonderful news...Bravo! Sending warm wishes always...

  22. Dear Deena - I am so happy to see you back!! God bless you!!!

  23. That's great news! Glad to see you back. I had added your blog to my blogroll some time ago. :)

  24. Deena, I haven't been blog visiting in a while but was thinking about you today and tracked down your blog. So happy to hear your news!! Congrats! You look BEAUTIFUL!

  25. PRAISE GOD! I am so happy for you, I have been away from blogging for awhile and justed started back up this past month just getting caught up with all that I missed.

    Hugs~ T

  26. YAY!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO!!!!!
    You are AMAZING!!! <3


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~