Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hi My Friends

Oh my hubby is ill with that nasty 
virus that is going around.
He started getting it yesterday morning &
now, it's really got him.

We are in separate beds, separate rooms
& it's not fun, but I don't need to get this.

Please pray he'll be better QUICK & that
if I get it, it's mild.

I am about to take a TV watching/nap..
I feel VERY good, no anti nausea pills since Friday.

Joys today

separate bedrooms when we are sick

 Campbells' chicken noodle soup for me

tulips peeking out of the ground 

daylight savings time

a kitty who naps with me

talking with Church

 an I Love You phone call from my BFF Marcia

my potted tulips are blooming

living at the edge of the Singing Woods

fun graphics from Graphic Pretties



  1. Oh no, poor Rich, hope he feels better real soon.
    How wonderful that you are feeling so well and no anti nausea pills.
    Well done.

  2. Continued blessing to thee my dear friend. Father as you know this woman and mans needs nothing is too big that you can't reach down from heaven and touch them in their places of need. That is why I so humbly put them in your hands to do that very thing. Mold and shape them into your will as their purpose is fulfilled. Being the valuable precious ones they are I know that all is well just because you love them so. In Jesus' Holy Name!! Lovingly, rilda *U*

  3. so sorry to hear rich is down with this hoping that you do not get it, deena, and that he gets OVER it soon.....

    new day and God's grace
    family for dinner
    grandbabies to wake up to
    love of family and friends
    beauuuutiful sunshiny day

    have a wonderful sunday, and stay away from that bug! :)
    love, hugs and prayers,

  4. so sorry that your sweet Rich came down with this Flu... happy that you had the spare room for him to sleep keep you away from the flu germs...
    I pray that he gets over it with a minor case... and you don't catch it...
    Joys today...

    wonderful Lord's Day!

    sang beautiful song of God's love in the choir this morning.

    Girls were good for me in Sunday School Class this morning....

    My Hubby told me I was the prettiest woman in church today (not true but was music to my ears anyway!!!)
    When is your next Chemo visit dear Deena?

  5. Oh! I pray that Rich gets well soon! My tulips are buried under 15 inches of snow :(.


  6. I hope your hubby feels better and I pray that you are protected from the virus.


    Sarah x

  7. Okie said this site was for spiritual goes.
    I need prayers for my husband that is going to have to be my "fill in" on March 21, to be at my Mom's condo to "have at it" with the big sister I have never known. Seems that she wants to be the only one to inherit and that's not how it was written by's to be 50/50. This sister whose name is Sheila and who always told my Mom she "never wanted anything" from her (to hurt her Mom) has as we expected come in after Mom's death to try to claim as much as she can. I know the Bible verse that we are to give our cloaks if that is what is asked. I have always done this in the past and received nothing when my Grandmom and Dad passed. But this time I dearly would like any and all Crosses and the Bible from Mom's. I also would like all the family photos and the cedar chest that is in the will for me. Sheila has said that whatever I say I want she will make sure I don't have it. She never resolved her family issues and never forgave Mom or Dad for our family. She has no beliefs and has always made fun of mine, my faith. Her own daughter has a mother in law that is a professing Christian. Sheila makes fun of her. The lawyers have been warned and it was suggested that I send an alternate to the day that the estate will be opened.
    That day is GOOD FRIDAY, Full Moon if you can believe it. My Dad and Mom nor I would ever have done anything like this on this day, but it has to be this way.
    Please pray that ONLY GOD's WILL BE DONE THIS DAY IN EVERY WAY. This is the end of my family for me. I had so wanted to see where my Mom last laid her head. I wanted just a little time in her home alone to say goodbye but that cannot be allowed because of my sister's demands. I have to let go finally and for good that any healing will come to what is the end. I need prayers for strength and to allow this to be so. I would so much like to have the family photos and the books and cards I always sent Mom. So please, prayers for Dale and Nancy and that God come upon Sheila and soften her heart and let her answer to the will of God alone. Thank you.
    church/Saints and Haints

  8. Hope Rich feels better soon, and I pray that you don't catch this!! Always keeping you in my prayers!

  9. Wishes for a speedy recovery for your hubby. My hubby has it too. Hope you can stay well Deena and not catch it. Lots of wishes for a great week ahead.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~My joys~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    My hubby who though sick still manages to spoil me.

    My friend who I will miss at work but she was able to retire after 28 years so I am happy for her.

  10. Deena-

    I am sorry to hear Rich is sick. Enjoy those tulips- ours are buried under snow- though it was 35 here today so hoepfully Spring is coming- Yes?

    I am taking it easy this afternoon because I torn down allt he dry-wall in the bathroom of the house yesterday- and though I felt fine at the moment, now I am SORE!
    Blessings to you today-


  11. Sometimes separate bedrooms is the best thing. :-D

    I've had a "cold" the last few days and the coughing at night is enough to drive us all insane. A separate bedroom would have been a good thing. :-)

    Take care and keep warm. We got about four inches of snow so I can only imagine how much you guys got. On the bright side, the cardinals at our feeders (we have about six pair that visit and usually all at the same time) look absolutely gorgeous with their red coats in the white snow. Sweet dreams. :-)

  12. Hi Deena,

    I have missed you but hope your rest helped. I am so sorry Rich is sick. I will pray that he gets better quickly and that you don't get it at all.

    LeAnn :)

  13. I'm glad you are feeling good, Deena. That is nice to hear.

    I am really sorry your hubby has the flu. It seems there is a lot of that going around all over the country.

    I pray that your husband will be well soon, and I pray that you don't get the flu.

    Have a good week, Deena

  14. Oh Deena, I pray you do not get sick. Lord, child, have you called your doctor and told them there is a virus in the house? Is there anything else you can do to insure you do not get ill? Just worried.
    God Bless,

  15. I'll call my oncologist tomorrow
    I have a follow up visit with
    my Dr Jones, my plastic surgeon
    in the AM too.

    Next chemo 3/21/2008
    welcoming in Spring
    that will be 50% done!!
    smiles, Deena

  16. hope rich is feeling better deena, and you are staying well~! praying you both have a restful night~! sweet dreams,
    love and hugs,

  17. hoping your hubby gets better real soon. hugs to you.

  18. Good Morning Deena,
    Oh my, I'm so sorry that Rich is sick with that nasty bug. I will be praying that he gets over it real fast and that you don't get it at all. "PRAISE GOD" for no nausea pills since Friday. GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD!!!! You have some very beautiful graphics on your blog. Some of my Joys for yesterday. Having the Sun shining and the temperatures warming up. Having some FUN time with our girls. Glad to know you didn't have to have any naseau pills over the weekend. Still being able to have some Snow left from the weekend. And having you as a wonderful and dear friend. If I lived closer to you I would make you a big pot of my Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup and I know that would help Rich as well. I guess you can just think about the soup tho. LOL. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Continue to Bless You and Yours.

    Love, Hugs, & Prayers,
    Karen H.

  19. Oh Deena,

    I feel so sorry for Rich. That flu bug is nasty. I will pray that he is over it quickly. I'm still tired from fighting that one.

    Glad you haven't had to take the nausea pills.

    My joys for Sunday were:
    Getting out in the snowy world to visit Michelle and the boys.

    Reading a couple chapters of a good book in the afternoon.

    Getting my writing assignment done. It was late.

    Hubby getting home safely on the treacherous roads.

    My blogging friends.

    Blessings for a good Monday.

  20. I'm praying the flu Rich has is a mild one. Ours-- it took over a week for each of us to get well. There are mutants out there so, this time, I'm praying for one of those short-lasting mutants. Good for you--no nausea drugs. Praying today for good weather and safe travel for the doctor's visit. Hope to get to see you before Wed.

  21. I hope that you don't get it and I pray that he gets well fast. I had that nasty stuff and it hit me hard, but guess what, my hubby didn't get it and we slept in the same bed the whole time, so hopefully you won't get it. I am thankful that you haven't had to take your anti-nausea meds. I'm thankful for daylight savings too! It was so nice to have it stay light late last night!

    Bless you today my friend!

    Love Sharon

  22. Oh, so sorry Rich is sick...this horrible virus seems to be all over everywhere. I do pray he gets well soon and that you don't get it. So glad you seem to be feeling so good.
    hugs, bj

  23. Seperate bedrooms could be lonely, but oh how you will appreciated each other when he feels better. Take care and I will pray that you remain Virus-free. Jennifer

  24. Deena...thank you so much for allowing me to post and ask for prayer help here. I know that there may be some who will privately, quietly, keep my husband and I in mind. There is always room for more prayer and more petitions for prayer support.
    God is so much bigger and there is so much more love than we are aware of. Thank you for your support. church of Saints and Haints

  25. Hope the hubby gets better soon and keeps the NASTIES in his bedroom. I love TV naps on Sunday afternoon. "Keep it in the Road>" as Dad would say. Peace

  26. Hello there!! i do hope husband is feelin better and that it stays away from you!! You always have so many great Joys! I love them!!

  27. Hello My Dear Deena,

    Thank Goodness for extra bedrooms. You don't need to catch that virus. My hubby had it for almost a month. The severe symptoms lasted only about a week, but the other three weeks were full of severe fatigue. He is much better now. Thank You Jesus! I ended up getting it also, I didn't have it as long as he did. It is a harsh virus. Makes you hurt from head to toe, fever, runny nose and cough. I think its a good idea to stay in your separate room sweetie, at least till the coast is clear for you. Sending hugs to both you and Rich. I will say a prayer for him also today.



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