Sunday, March 16, 2008

Scavenger Hunt @ Bold & Free

Jan at Bold and Free is having a fun give away, but you have to work a little for this one. I am actually a part of it too and sent in some of the prizes and there are some questions about my blog, so please go visit her blog and play! Good luck to you!
your friend, Deena


  1. This is going to be so much fun! Come play!

  2. Stopping by just to leave a {{{hug}}}} and catch up on what's been going on.


  3. Deena,

    Just dropping by to see if you had posted. I've been concerned about you and am glad you were able to get out last night. Love the graphic on the post below.

    I continue to pray for you, Rich and the kids. I wish your son good luck on his job interview and will pray it goes well.

    I do hope Nichole can work her schooling into the mix. That is very important.

    Love you, my friend.

  4. Hi Deena!!! I am here to share in your joys today....I think of you often!

  5. Wow, do you look beautiful in blue and brown :) Just checking in to say hello! I've been out of town all week, and have big deadlines next week. Know that I'll be thinking about you on Friday for #3. I love how you're staying engaged with your life and reaching out to your friends, Deena. You know how to live life!



  6. Tee shirt contest is finished and a winner is announced and the design is finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go and take a look and I will get out and about and get caught up on all my friends blogs……………….. I will try to read and find out what you gals have been up to this week…………..

    I will be back tonight to read and catch up!!!!!!!!! love ya!

  7. Hi Deena,

    I hope you are finally getting over the flu. It's good to see you out of bed and blogging again.

    Have a blessed week.


  8. Glad to see you are back up and about! Maridon

  9. Happy St. Patty's day! I hope you have a great Monday.

    Your blog is so pretty! I love all your art work, just thought I'd tell you!

    Love you, Shar


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~