Tuesday, March 25, 2008


This is our old Victorian in the city. The lovely pink roses at
the porch.
I loved the charm of the house, but I am so thankful we live
in the Singing Woods now.

Chemo is just not fun.  I've been  unable to eat, drink or think.
I did eat today, but I feel like someone stuck a broom in 
me from end to another, just so food won't go down.

It got warm here today, so Rich had me come outside when
he got home.  That was great..windy but nice to be out.


a new wind chime

potted daffodils, Easter Lilly, hyacinths from Rich

phone calls from my kids on Easter

hollyhocks poking up

Eternal Life



got my wig styled (pic to come)

taxes are done

half way through chemo

snow on Easter

blog friends who pray & help me through this


I want to be WELL and be DEENA the SUPERWOMAN again!!!

I closed down my Sweetannee.com website today too.  I am
going to concentrate on My Blogs, The Primitive Gathering web market and on gardening. 
I HAVE to get the grandsons over here to help me!!

Please God, come hold me , carry me, make me whole again.

Hold me Jesus , please be my Prince of Peace

tis me



  1. Bless your precious heart Deena. May you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our Father IS holdng you ... He's closer than the next breath you take ... He is a constant in our lives, whether we can sense His presence or not. May He give comfort and peace and the ability to eat! May thoughts clear and rest settle deep into your bones. May you know that He is still the great I AM.
    The pictures of your former home are beautiful. The kind of place I could live it with ease.
    You are so often in my thoughts, it's as though I can reach out and touch you at times.
    Bless you dear one. You are loved by many.

  2. thinking of that song...Hold me Jesus, cuz I'm shaking like a leaf...You have been my King of glory...won't you be my Prince of peace.......

    Have no doubt that God holds you so close, sweet deena. Oh, He has great plans for you. My thoughts and prayers i am always sending your way, you amazing, inspiring and beautiful woman....

  3. Deena your old Victorian house was beautiful.
    So happy you had some time outside with Rich today.
    1/2 way with chemo. Yay
    Take care

  4. Blessings for you Deena... Praying for health, healing and wholeness !!!

  5. Oh dear angel you are right in the thick of it....makes me mad you have to do this! You are such a wonderful inspiration to us all Deena, much love and prayers of healing to you sweetie. I hope you feel better tomorrow, xxoo, Dawn

  6. Hi Deena, I look forward to reading your blog. You are so inspiring. You are a strong woman in spirit and your health will be restored again after your chemo. You are included in my prayers everyday. Gald to hear you and your husband were out doors for some sunshine!
    Hugs, Sharon
    My Vintage Studio

  7. Dearest Deena,
    I picture you safe in his arms rest...stay there and bask in his presence....Love your music and beautiful home, my favorite colors green and pink...I share you passion for sweet children's shoes hummmmmm..
    Love to you Pinkie Denise

  8. dear deena.....love your victorian home....but i can tell you love where you are now.....
    you are so in my heart and prayers....and in God's unfailing love and in his loving care.....
    i pray you continue to gain strength.....
    love and prayers,

  9. Good Evening Deena,
    I am so sorry you have not been feeling too good. Just remember sweetie, that GOD IS THERE WITH YOU AND HOLDING YOU DURING ALL OF THIS. I know it's hard on you, but you mustn't lose FAITH IN HIM. Your home in the city is just beautiful, but I know you are very happy out in the singing woods now. "PRAISE GOD" for you being able to get out into the Sun for a bit today and to enjoy it. It was real windy here today as well. Can you believe after all the rain we have had around here, there was dust flying all over the city? I just don't understand how that could be with all the rain we have had lately. I so love the picture of you when you were a little girl. You are still a beautiful person Deena and I love you very much and you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Take care my friend and have a great evening as best you can. May God Continue to Bless You and Rich.

    Love, Hugs, & Prayers,
    Karen H.

  10. I am so sorry that you have been feeling rough! I finally am getting some strength back from that horrible virus. I am sure that didn't help you either. So hoping that everyday finds you getting stronger and feeling like the old Deena. Just seeing your name or a message from you brings a smile to my face, dear friend. GOD BLESS YOU and hold you in the palm of His hand.

  11. I'm glad you got to go outside and get a breath of fresh air. Sending prayers that you'll be able to eat something and enjoy the taste. Hugss.

  12. Hi Deena...I am so happy to hear from you...it makes my heart hurt to hear you are having the side effects from your chemo...I hope you are able to rest..I know you are saving your strength..you are ever in my prayers.

  13. Praying for you, looking foward to seeing the wig ;-)

  14. Sorry you are going through a rough spell now dear Deena and hope you soon feel much better.

    Although your 'painted lady' was beautiful, I know how much you love the singing woods - and right now the birds should be starting to serenade you to welcome Spring.

    I've noticed here that the male Cardinals sing so loud lately and there are often two pursuing the quieter female! My Carolina Wren has laid two eggs in the nest in the wall planter by my front door - seems early - and I'm thrilled that she trusts us enough coming in and out the house right in front of her. She even lets me peek at her!

    Today my first pair of Goldfinches breakfasted at the thistle feeder, and I saw a Bluebird - all such a thrill.

    Sending you Spring bird songs from sunny North Carolina.........and gentle hugs.

  15. I am sorry you feel so bad. It makes me very sad for you. You should know that your sweetness and your strength do shine through in your words though and you are an encouragement to others.

    Thinking of you daily now that I've found your blog.


  16. Oh how I know. That stuff is building up in you. But it is doing what it needs to do. My hubby used to make me go outside too. It seemed to clear my head a bit. You will be yourself again. I get tears when I remember the days like you are having. It is more awful than you can imagine. But then the good days come. I am praising my God everyday for the good days I am having right now. I hope they last long, but I love each one today for as long as I have it. It is hard to say something that sounds uplifting and encouraging, but I do pray for you as I hope you do for me.

  17. Deena,

    I am sorry that you are not feeling well and having a hard time eating. I am praying for God to lift you up and carry you over this time.

    Joys for today.

    Having more energy than I've had in a long time.

    Getting some deep cleaning done in the kitchen.

    Talking to Michelle on the phone and knowing she is feeling much more like her old self.

    For my Mom and all she does for her family.

    Having you for my friend.

    Love you... Prayers speeding toward heaven.


  18. PS. Forgot to mention that I LOVE your childhood photo.

  19. praying that tomorrow is a better day for you Deena ~

    love the pictures you posted!

  20. Each time I see a post from you it is an answer to prayer, because I know that God is giving you the strength to think and be alert for a little while anyway..
    I am so sorry that your eating has become so uncomfortable and undesirable....wasn't the sunshine beautiful and the wind felt so good on your face...I loved your old house...but the new house by the singing woods, is such a more restful and peaceful place for you to find the comfort you need during this Chemo challenge...you can look out the window...or step out onto the porch..and see God everywhere!
    when God helped you to find this house He knew what you would be facing in the year 2008.
    Isn't He Good!!!
    I love your picture when you were a little girl...You loved your dolls as much as I did...

  21. Always thinking of you, each and every day....Always praying for you, each and every day.
    CANCER SUCKS!!! YELL IT LOUD!!! I did and still do!!!
    Hugs and Love My Sweet Deena,
    Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

  22. Hugs Deena. You are so brave. Your Victorian house is so pretty. But the Singing Woods is as pretty and probably much more restful. Thinking and praying for you.

  23. Dear sweet Deena, you are in my thoughts throughout each day. As a matter of fact, yesterday my husband even asked how you were doing! You have so many, many friends throughout the world who are lifting you up in prayer. I wish there was something I could do to help take this pain away. Just keep leaning on HIM, he will carry you when you feel like you can't walk anymore ~ just like the "Footprints In The Sand" prayer says.

  24. Hi Deena...hope u r having a good time.ur house s so beautiful and the tree with those white flowers in front of it,I love that.Through out our trip to Arkansas.we saw these tress everywhere and loved them, but couldn't manage a pic of it.It looks lovely.we dont see them near here.Don worry about ur chemos, they are just the initial struggle for a beautiful life ahead.Take gud care of yourself,eat well and im waiting to see ur wig.You look chweeth in that foto.

    chikku :)

  25. My good thoughts and prayers always go out to you.

    Blessed Be.

    (The old Victorian is absolutely gorgeous! How wonderful to have lived there.)

  26. hope this day is finding you stronger and feeling better, dear deena.....and praying you will have wonderful days with family and in the garden soon!
    thanks for the note....and you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
    love and hugs,

  27. Hello My Dear Deena,

    I am so sorry you are feeling so sick. Stay strong my friend...you have come so far. I love your pretty Victorian House...but the Singing Woods seems where you are happiest. I too lost my health three years ago, and during the very worst of it said the same words you posted. I just wanted my life back. Over time, modern medicine, and the Love Of Our Lord, and so many prayers...I am becoming old self again. Slowly but it is happening and it will happen for you too. Never give up! My daughter bought me a Willow Tree figurine that is called "COURAGE". It is on my blog today. That is me standing there, and it will be you also. We have to push forward and brave the storm that rages within our bodies. Soon the storm will cease and then their will be the rainbow as promised. Love to you my Dear Deena...you are always in my prayers even if I don't get here daily. Always remember that.
    Warm Hugs To You,

  28. Dear Deena,

    I am really glad that you posted. I was getting really worried about you. I pray for you all the time, I hope you know that. You are on my mind a lot. I pray that you will feel better soon, that you can eat and get some energy. I pray that all that chemo will kill all the cancer cells. I pray in the name of Jesus that you will be healed. You still have lots of work to do here and lots of people who love you.

    I love your previous home, it looks like it is right out of a magazine and so does your current home. You are truly blessed to be living in the singing woods and I am so glad you are in that environment while battling this cancer.

    "Thou art good, and doest good" Psalm 119:68

    Love Sharon

  29. Dear Deena,

    I am really glad that you posted. I was getting really worried about you. I pray for you all the time, I hope you know that. You are on my mind a lot. I pray that you will feel better soon, that you can eat and get some energy. I pray that all that chemo will kill all the cancer cells. I pray in the name of Jesus that you will be healed. You still have lots of work to do here and lots of people who love you.

    I love your previous home, it looks like it is right out of a magazine and so does your current home. You are truly blessed to be living in the singing woods and I am so glad you are in that environment while battling this cancer.

    "Thou art good, and doest good" Psalm 119:68

    Love Sharon

  30. First of all, that house, oh so pretty, I love it. Secondly, I wish I had words of wisdom to help you but all I know is that even though it may not always feel like it, HE is holding you. You are amazing and inspirational to me and so many others. I wish you didn't have this cancer stuff, like Amy said "cancer sucks". Just know that I pray for your healing Deena and I will not give up and don't you dare give up. I want you to be Super Deena again too!!

    LeAnn :)

  31. Denna, looks like I'll have to get in line for a hug. :-)

    You are never far from my thoughts and prayers. That you are still posting in the midst of chemo is a blessing to all who travel this way. May the wind be at your back and the sun warm upon your gorgeous visage. Love and hugs my friend. :-)

  32. It's going to be okay Deena.
    Unfortunatly, Chemo is a DRAG but it sounds as if it is working like it is supposed to work. My friend Susan is going through it for B.C. as well now and has lost all her hair....she had a lot too! :~)
    It's just the whole process...it's not fun nor easy.

    I'm glad your thoughts are happy and on recovery and crying out to God because HE is the one that helps us through theses times and RESCURES us ...that is forsure!!
    WOW.....I loved your old Victorian.....very cool. But I am sure that the "Singing Woods" is right where you were to be for such a time as this.
    Hang in there.....many of us as you can see....are thinking of you and praying for you to get through this and on with your purpose.
    Thinking of you today!

  33. I was getting worried about you. I only wished you felt better.

  34. I'm so proud of you. Kisses and hugs. Lots of wishes for spring breezes and birdies, the fragrance of flowers and icing, and lots of hugs.

  35. Deena, I understand those effects of chemo. I remember my husband describing it similarly. I'll continue to add my voice to all those asking for your relief and good health. Hugs.

  36. That little girl in the check dress with her doll...that's the one ya gotta be lovin baby. She's still in there and lettin you know she needs all the care. Put your Super cape away woman and listen to that little girl. How cute is she/you?! xo c

  37. There's not a doubt in my mind that HEAVENLY FATHER is holding you, every minute of every day and night. Don't worry about being the Super Deena...it is time for her to rest and get well....Hold on to God; HE will see you through all this.
    Hang on, be strong and know that we all love you so much and are praying so hard for you.
    Love, bj

  38. There's not a doubt in my mind that HEAVENLY FATHER is holding you, every minute of every day and night. Don't worry about being the Super Deena...it is time for her to rest and get well....Hold on to God; HE will see you through all this.
    Hang on, be strong and know that we all love you so much and are praying so hard for you.
    Love, bj

  39. Dear Deena, I have been worried about you too. I know it is bad when you feel so bad from the chemo. Take care of yourself and let everyone around you help you. I am so happy you are half way. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Traci

  40. sleep well, dear friend.....and take sweet care.....praying your joys are many tomorrow....
    love and prayers,

  41. Deena, I'm praying for you. So good to hear from you. You have an award on my blog.

    Sending lots of hugs your way.
    ((((h))))Love you!

  42. Hi Deena, hope you are resting well. Love the pictures, especially the roses! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  43. Deena,
    hope you are feeling stronger and better, I am sending you my love. Please stop by I have a something that would hopefully make you feel little better.

  44. Deena, thoughts of you are with me throughout the day. You can't imagine how many prayers go out for you! Through your words and kind and loving soul, so many people feel like they know you. If all of us could take just a little bit of your troubles onto ourselves, your load would be lifted. Please stay strong and know that you are loved, and if strangers care for you, how much more so does our CREATOR who always knew you!

  45. God Bless you dear friend!


  46. Just dropping it to take your sweet face in my hands and say "think of Jesus and you know he would be doing this ... and is"

    Chemo is the storm before the rainbow...hold that to your heart.

  47. Hi Deena. Stopping in to say hello. What a darling picture of you as a young girl.Praying for your appetite, etc.

    Big hugs,

  48. What a PYT you were and are. (Pretty young thing) Sweet photo.
    Hope you are doing a little better this week, Deena. Thoughts and hugs, x


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~