Here's how it started..this box was HUGE!!

Don't I look oh so dapper in my
pj pants, cami, sweater & the great apron??
I wore my apron all night.. and at bedtime
Rich said..
You're something else
Really, what do you mean
How many women wear their apron all night?
Well it's comfy!! Has a lil front pouch, tis quilted and
just so CUTE
Thank you dear Robin,I had chocolate last night
I enjoyed my Winter Blend Starbucks
coffee this AM
ta ta
Dr Jones said Friday is ok for Chemo.
gave me a sweet hug
& told me I could come
in anytime..even just to talk..
He's so caring..I do have a special place in my
heart for him....
Next time I see him, I'll prolly be bald..eeekk
but he said..
it'll grow back and be curly..
don't worry.. you'll make it through all this.
I start taking my pre-chemo meds tomorrow
I must say I'm SKEERED of chemo
but I'll be there..making it a fun day..and
Rich is going too, he's ALWAYS good for
laughs..God bless him. I'll say this again,
I can't imagine having cancer
with anyone but Rich and GOD.
Ta Ta