Thursday, January 31, 2008

It is almost FINISHED

I have one more step I want to do on this one.
HONEST opinions can click on each picture
for an larger version.

the lil piece of laceis from my friend  JAN
who shared her hanky collection..
and it is stamped make my heart sing..

Many of the images & the bird theme stamps 
came from  my friend Gail's Shabby Cottage Studio shop.

for an Easter Banner Gift ..

I feel so enveloped in LOVE today!!

I am sure tomorrow Chemo will begin..Praise God

deena ANN


  1. "Each one helps the other, saying to one another, "Take courage"!" ---Isaiah 41:6
    You are in my prayers. Lori

  2. Deena..that is so pretty!You did a great job...

  3. i love it favorite colors....beautiful!

  4. Deena, I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you, hoping you're healing and getting strong. Karen from P&R group.

  5. Its Wonderful Deena~ really~ what elce are you gong to do to it??? Anything to keep your mind and hands busy~ being idle can set the mind wandering on unwanted paths. Be positive, think positive~ our bodies DO have power to heal themselves, along with God's help too! We're all praying for you Dear~ R

  6. I really like it. Everything in it says "Spring and Rebirth" to me.

    Fantastic piece!

  7. It is such a pretty piece.
    Good Luck for Friday.

  8. Great work! Good luck tomorrow I'll pray for you!


  9. deena.....thank you for your prayers and sweet thoughts for jamie and mattie....their blog is wait and pray and hope....just as you do...and so many others.
    loving thoughts,

  10. Absolutely frailing gorgeous. Would like to have it to hang on my wall to remind me of what courage in the face of fear looks like. Still carrying water. Plan on working the night shift too. We won't be stopped. Believe. And, if you get tired, I will carry you. And when you can think any more from the pain, I will think for you and I will send all the positive karma I have and borrow against everything I own to send you more. :-)

  11. Yum, I love it! The bird's nest is so sweet and the little hankie bit! Is that mica flakes, too? very pretty.

  12. I LOVE it!!! Very beautiful Deena ~ I'm so glad you're creating! I'll be thinking of you tomorrow ~ let us know how your day goes...praying you well, xxoo, Dawn

  13. Deena, this is beautiful, full of character. Hugs and best of luck for tomorrow, I'll hold you close in my thoughts, that beautiful open smile foremost, I cannot imagine any other truth than that the words you have included are true of you, that you make the hearts around you sing.

  14. It's beautiful. We're praying for you. Your so strong. I know God is helping you through this.

  15. Such a pretty canvas Deena. I love the nest and little eggs :-}
    Sending you very best wishes!!

  16. Deena,
    It made me happy to look at it. It just FELT good. Even on the computer, so it must REALLY do so in person. Blue is my favorite color, too...
    Crossing my fingers for you tomorrow - will be thinking of you, sending thoughts of healing and *light* and love.
    May you feel the warmth you give, Deena :)

  17. Deena,

    It's beautiful and brought a ray of sunshine into my day. You are such a talented person.

    Thinking of you and praying FOR you. I would do anything to remove this journey from your path.

    Love and blessings,

  18. That is sooo lovely, Deena. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping that if you do have the chemo, that is goes well for you.

    Lots of love and hugs

    Kim x

  19. This is absolutely beautiful, I love the elements you have chosen so far. I am not much of an artist but it looks wonderful to me.
    I believe that using our passion and being creative also heals the body, so when you feel up to it after your chemo, it can be great medicine for the soul.
    I found you through my friend Dana and am sending prayers your way,
    God bless you.


  20. Church checks that is a beautiful, insightful and telling image/painting of you and your journey. I had read this last night and thought of all the people who leave you comments and prayers...

    "Nameless Saints...The healing of the world is in its nameless saints. Each separate star means nothing, but a myriad scattered stars break up the night and make it beautiful." by Bayard Taylor

  21. Just a little pop by to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you!
    Oh yes that little whimsey is oh so cute.I think the spring bug has bit you too.
    xo Susan

  22. Beautiful work Deena...what a treasure it will be... symbolizing faith in the face of fear...
    I would save it under the label.. the day before the beginning of my walk through Chemo...
    because I am praying that tomorrow is "D" day (Deena Day)
    {{Love and Hugs}}

  23. That is gorgeous! You have been feeling crafty today and that is great. I love the birdnest and all the little touches. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow too. I know it will be a burden lifted to get that chemo started kicking some cells to the curb.

  24. Okay, I've had supper. Let me go wash my hands and I'll head out to the barn where I keep all my buckets, the ones full of prayers for good weather and courage and love. Don't worry about me. I've got a good jacket and warm gloves and boots that will laugh at muck and snow in equal measure. If you look out and see a small lamp in the distance working it's way up the hill, just smile and know you do not walk alone. Hugs for tomorrow my friend. You are a light to more people than you know. :-)

  25. Good Evening Deena,
    Oh my goodness, that is so beautiful. You have done a wonderful work of art there. I am praying for you continuously Deena. I pray that GOD will watch over you tomorrow as you start your Chemo. Just let go and let GOD. "THANK YOU" for sharing a beautiful piece of your work with us. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours. I'm off to check out your Gift Away now.

    Love You and Big but Gentle Hugs,
    Karen H.

  26. You are a gifted little gal...... Prayers for you tomorrow..... Whatsoever things are of a good report........ think on these things............ there is a scripture in the word of God that talks about chickens...... My favorite saying is "Some days chickens,(a good day)some days feathers" (a not so good day) I want you to have a "chicken" day tomorrow........ Here is the scripture.......

    Luk 13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen [doth gather] her brood under [her] wings, and ye would not!

    He gathers you under His wings and keeps you warm and safe......


  27. I think it is fabulous and the little nested eggs are delightful!! You will be in my closest thoughts tomorrow as you begin this journey to health. You are such a strong spirit Deena. Don't let anything steal that from you....Angie

  28. Deena, this is just absolutely fabulous!!!! Love it!!!

    Now, be strong for your chemo. Just remember that we are one hundred percent behind just cannot SEE us..but we are here for you and rooting for you as loudly as the Heavens can hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love you!!!!


  29. Deena, as a cancer patient myself, I know many of the thoughts you must be having. You can do this and you will come out on the other side. There is joy, fun, shopping, life during treatment. Please know that I am praying for you. You are very talented and I enjoy your blog so much.

  30. Love your new banner. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  31. Deena... It is so pretty. Love everything about it. Wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you tomorrow.
    Sending the very best wishes!

  32. It is beautiful Deena! You did a great job!I hope your infection is all gone and you can start your chemo. Blessings to you.

    :0) Sharon

  33. Deena its so lovely, you've done a really beautiful job !
    Wishing you all the very best with your chemo.

    Hugs from Australia

    Shannon :)

  34. I'm loving it..I especially like that "door" and the "bird nest" and I like the teal color and I like.....never mind I LIKE IT ALL!
    Beautiful job....
    I'm PRAYING for you very hard these past few days.
    I will remember you tomorrow all day too. You have people holding your hand and holding you up to the Father, so hang in there
    because.....we WIN!
    Be blessed,

  35. Dearest Deena, sorry that I have been missing but we have had major computer problems! Such lovely colours in your collage, the lace is so pretty. You make my heart sing is an inspiration! Good luck for Friday, hope all goes well. My prayers are with you, love and hugs, Suzanne.

  36. Deena, you are so talented! It looks 'perfect" to me:o) I know that today is an important one, please know that you are very much in my thoughts and that I am lifting you up in prayer, sweet friend. Keep leaning on Him...
    Much love,
    Susan P.

  37. Deena ~ I adore it Deena !!! The colors are beautiful ~
    I am praying for you !
    Hugs and prayers,


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~