Wednesday, January 30, 2008

An Easter Gift Away

for tales of whimsical artists.

Tomorrow is pre chemo day..
taking my steriods & drinking water and resting up.

Please pray I can start chemo on Friday...



  1. I know, Deena...I want you to get this going...xxoo, Dawn

  2. Deena~
    Your are in my thoughts and prayers this evening.
    God Bless,

  3. Deena, thinking of you and hoping it all starts to happen for you on Friday.
    Take care

  4. I'm praying and believing Friday is the day. Get your rest dear friend.


  5. I hope Friday will bring a new beginning for you! I first found you from swaddlecottage and I check in from time to time. I don't comment much but will leave you a greeting everytime I stop from now on!

  6. Deena,

    I pray for you and keep faith that your chemo will start on Friday. I just sent you an email.

    Love you...

  7. friday it is, deena.....
    loving thoughts,

  8. I think Friday is going to be your day! It's mine too. I am having a heart procedure done. I'll think about you and you think about me! OK? I do hope that you are able to get this chapter started and get rid of that old cancer. YEAH!

  9. Dear Deena, I wonder, what kind of comedy do you enjoy? I couldn't think of all the styles, so I Wiki'd it:

    "Laughter is an instant vacation", I read that somewhere recently. My guilty secret is laughing at Reno 911. The Frasier reruns have been funny lately too. Praying for you to make Friday the day!
    God Bless and Keep You,

  10. "Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you." 2 Thessalonians 3:16

    Praying for you. Please let us know how it goes.


  11. Friday is the first day of a brand new month...

    and a perfect day for your number 1 day of chemo...

    I am praying for that to happen...

  12. Deena, praying that Friday will be the start of your recovery. Romantic comedies got me through some of my surgeries and lots of prayers. God will help you carry your cross when it becomes too heavy for you. God Bless You, Pat

  13. I am praying as hard as I can for you.
    hugs, bj

  14. My thoughts and prayers will be with you this Friday Deena..

    With love

  15. Hello Deena...fingers (and toes) crossed for you...for Friday!

  16. Just like I was taught in my childhood as I lay my head on my pillow and wait for the sand man I add you to my prayers and you will stay there until you give us all the good news. Peace

  17. Deena, I hope that everything goes on schedule.

    From reading your blog, I think that we have more than just lobular bc in common :) If it weren't for my creative outlets, I would have had an even harder time.

    Even though I'm not a visual artist in any way, I am SO wanting to make a 2" square for the art doll project. To a degree, I want to do it simply because it lifts me out of my comfort zone!

    Prayers to you.

  18. Dear Lord, You created Deena and know everything that's going on in her body. Lord I pray that you will heal her of the cancer that has invaded her body. LOrd, hold her tight in your compassionate embrace as she continues her fight of her life. May YOUR will be done. AMEN

  19. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Blessed Be.

  20. Hi Deena...I am praying and are ever in my thoughts and prayers...

  21. Deena, in my lack of coffee state, I can't remember if I published my last comment or deleted it--so if you see the other, just delete this one.

    Here is what I think I said:

    Prayers as buckets. I'll carry water up the hill for as long as it takes. Take care and believe. Will be thinking about you today and tomorrow. Fingers and toes crossed. :-)

  22. It will start on Friday!
    Take gentle care my friend...

  23. Deena
    I found you through Amy at Four Sisters in a cottage. I am a breast cancer survivor, 3 years!!! You can do this, it is hard at times but God will carry you during those times. My chemo nurse gave me this verse on my first day of chemo. I hope it will speak to you as it did to me. Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord thy God is mighty to save, He will rejoice over you with singing, you can rest in His love, he will joy over thee with singing. I'm praying for you. Rhonda

  24. Just prayed for you sweet lady. :)

  25. You will be in our thoughts tomorrow as you start on this next step of your journey back to good health.
    Be brave and allow the chemo angels - your nurses - to make you comfortable.
    You are greatly loved Deena - all we CA survivors are pulling for you.

    Hugs and love - Mary & Bob.

    My initial post disappeared - if you see another from me just know you are doubly in my thoughts!

  26. Dear Deena,
    The battle field of life we are in..I will hold up my shield of faith and fight for Jesus name....I know what it is to fight this battle of cancer...My sweet husband fought his battle and won his race is forever with Jesus Christ...I have follow Jonna's blog and that how I found you...I already knew you when I saw you holding your grandson...I remember it on one of your web site...I know that Jesus wanted me to find you and pray for you today...Be safe in Jesus....Love to you...Judy


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~