Saturday, January 26, 2008

I'm doing okay

I want you all to know, I'm doing pretty good with the news toda.y

Yesterday was such a shock, but today,
I told Rich
I'm ready to beat this.

His response...

Let's do it.

I'm VERY tired today..I hope to be ME again tomorrow

Thank you all for your kindness, for your posts asking for prayers

on YOUR blogs..and for caring

Pray for my sweet husband too, he's been so strong & I know

it has to be so hard for him.

Going to get in bed and talk to God.

lovingly, Deena


  1. Deena, my thoughts are with you and Rich.
    As your friend Marcia said EVERY CANCER IN EVERY STAGE has BEEN SURVIVED..and you will fight the fight.
    You are one strong woman supported by a wonderful husband, family and blogland friends.
    Take care.

  2. I'm new to your blog...found it thru Susan at A Place Called Home. Just wanted you to know you will be in my prayers! May God's will and purpose be done in your life!!

  3. I was asked by Denise at Samaritan Women to add you to my prayers. I thought I would come by and say hello and that you are indeed added to my prayers. Prayers for strength and courage to fight the fight...
    It is a pleasure meeting you...

  4. I'll talk to HIM too. Get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow will be better.

  5. Hi Deena!
    I just read an update on Sharon's blog at Rose of Sharon, and I wanted you to know that I'm praying for you!!! I'm believing with you for healing, and praying for strength and peace for you and your family.
    Love, Velvia

  6. Good Evening Deena,
    You are probably in bed now, but I am late in visiting tonight. We had another busy day today and next Saturday looks to be busy as well. I am glad you are feeling some better today. I am so happy that Rich is there with you and going to be there with you as well. "PRAISE GOD" for a wonderful husband you have. Know you are always in my thoughts and prayers each day. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  7. There is a song playing just for you and Denise at Shortybears place and Connie at Little Red Hearts from God...... go and listen and know that God is listening....

    I have no fancy words.. but we know a GREAT GOD.............

  8. Deena, I just stumbled upon your blog. I have Ovarian cancer and I know how difficult it is. I know the shock and disbelief, but I also know that my Lord has seen me through. My new saying is life is difficult but wonderful! I will pray for you and your husband that the Lord will be real to you every step of the way.

  9. Deena, you are so right -- this is very hard on the ones who love us...they want to do something and they are "powerless". But they can love us and they can pray with us. Keeping you and Rich close to my heart and in my prayers. And I love your attitude -- it's the only one to have!!

  10. Deena, I stumbled acoss your blog tonight. I wanted to come by and let you know that I will remember you in my prayers. Please visit my blog at The first song is "I Know My Redeemer Lives" by Nicole Mullen. We do know He lives and sees everything we go through. God bless you Deena. I pray you continue to have strength and courage.


  11. You are an amazing woman!! I have been and will continue to pray for you and your's.... Blessings to all

  12. Dear Deena,
    I am going to say a special prayer for you and your family tonight.....
    God bless and rest well Pinkie Denise

  13. My thoughts too are with you and take care...and get lots of rest.

    Be good to yourself!

  14. Hi Deena...I'm glad you are better today...I am visiting late today....

  15. Deena, I find it interesting that people just "stumble" onto your blog. I wonder why? God is on your side, my friend. He has not left you. Nothing happens without a reason and God wants to reveal himself to you through these experiences. Praise the Lord, Almighty and give honor to his name. He enfolds you in his wings. I love you, Sally

  16. Deena,You are in my prayers and with the kind of spirit you possess I am sure you'll come out of it.You have a lovely husband to support you.My best wishes to you now and always.Came here through hillgrandmom's blog.

  17. Deena, my thoughts are with you and your family. I'm new here, and I'm rooting for you to win.

  18. Deena,
    I am so glad that you have kept the same We're going to beat this attitude even after the devastating news you received on Friday!!
    this is a bigger hurdle than we thought... but it is just that..a hurdle that God wants to help you to jump over...
    you are such a blessing and influence on so many people through this..
    you have been specially chosen by God to walk this path...
    and I am blessed to be able to walk it with you through prayer and encouragement.
    Blessings my friend!

  19. Came here thru Hillgrandmom via Moanna . Praying for you - you are a strong woman and will conquer. Hugs :)

  20. Dearest Deena, we're all talking to him, too. I am also keeping Rich in my prayers ~ I'm so glad that you have such a wonderful husband to be by your side through this most difficult journey. When you put your head on your pillow you can rest in the knowledge that you are safe in God's loving care. He will carry you through this raging storm and back into the sunshine, once again. Much love, Susan P.

  21. found you thru annie.....prayers will abound, deena. i will pray for you...i will get others to pray....and the power of so many prayers will get you thru this....stay strong and rest in the thought that so many are thinking of you.

  22. Hi there, Deena. I've come from Loving Annies blog. I'd just like to say all the best with your fight. You sound like a very positive strong woman, and with that, you've got a lot of fighting power. Stay strong!

  23. As I thank you for your prayers during my time of loss..

    I realize you too are in need of prayers...that I can lift you up...and let our Papa hold you there...

    I am an RN with Hospice... and I have seen people live through it all.. so as I tell my patients, NEVER give up... fight...And our Lord will help you fight that fight..


  24. I'm praying, hon, for both of you. Your friend is right! All cancer in all stages has been beaten. AND God is stronger than cancer! We'll be praying day and night. I've added you to our blog prayer list but I'm going to update it. There are people all over the world, in all time zones, praying for you! Blessings... Polly

  25. Oops one more thing. Thank you so much for the blog banner!! It's just lovely. Mary has already sent it over to me. What a sweet lady you are. Blessings... Polly

  26. I hopped over from Annie' give you big hugs and positive'll be in my thoughts and prayers.....Let go and let'll be ok.

  27. Thats my girl. Lots of Louisiana love to you both from Mollye and Mike

  28. Deena, prayers for you both. You can beat this thing. You are stronger than you think.

  29. I am so glad you are doing good and that the fighter in you is coming out and Rich. It is neat to know that every stage of cancer has been survived. You can do this. Have you looked into Hallalujah Acres and eating the wheat grass? My sister who survived thyroid cancer and a rare uterine cancer (after having both removed) used it. The website is

    Have a restful Sunday afternoon Deena.

    Affectionately, Sharon

  30. Deena:
    Mary from Isabella's Closet alerted us to your blog. My mom is a 40 year cancer survivor (she also had positive lymph nodes.) Women are fighters every inch of the way! I love your blog and will read it everyday. Thank you for sharing with us.

  31. Deena, You Rich and Nicole are in my thoughts and prayers.
    As the others have said every cancer, in every stage, there are survivors.
    Your words "I'm ready to beat this" says it all!!
    We are all with you and here for you..
    Hugs & much love, ~Mary~

  32. Good Sunday morning to you, Sweet Deena. How are you doing ?

    Just got your comment - glad that you had a good night's sleep last night.

    Prayers sent again to you and Rich. You WILL beat this !

    So many loving thoughts are surrounding, filling and there for you.

    18 blessings on your 'flowers' post already - and all of the lovely ones you have here too on your cyber-home.

    Loving Annie

  33. Rich's "let's do it" brought tears to my eyes. I'm hoping you both got lots of sleep last night and that you woke restored. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  34. Deena, Thank you for dropping by. I can't get you off my mind. I will be lifting you and your family up in prayer, each time I think of you. Keep us updated. Love,Rachel

    P.S. I found your through Rose of Sharon.

  35. Dearest Deena,

    I wish I could be there to wrap my arms around you. I will be lifting you and Rich in prayer.

    Much love,

  36. Dear Deena,

    Isn't the internet a wonderful thing. We will never meet, but because of blogland, I can send you my love from halfway round the World. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love Kim x

  37. Hi Deena,

    coming from JoAnnA ~ Moss Hill...Keeping You & Your Family in My Heart & Prayers, Stay Strong ~ Stay Focused!

  38. walking the breast cancer 3-day, i, too, have heard and seen the miracles that survivors have of the verses associated with the walk was:

    "What Cancer Cannot Do"
    Cancer is so limited

    It cannot cripple love
    It cannot shatter hope
    It cannot corrode faith
    It cannot destroy peace
    It canot kill friendships
    It cannot suppress memories
    It cannot silence courage
    It cannot invade the soul
    It cannot steal eternal life
    It cannot conquer the spirit

    you and Rich continue to be in my heart and prayers.

  39. After seeing your pretty picture, there is NO DOUBT that you "CAN BE PRETTY IN PINK." You are beautiful and your sweet honey is a handsome fella!
    Hi, I'm bj and I'm so glad to meet you. I was introduced to you on Mary's Writing Nook.
    Won't you please stop by to see me very soon?
    hugs, bj

  40. After seeing your pretty picture, there is NO DOUBT that you "CAN BE PRETTY IN PINK." You are beautiful and your sweet honey is a handsome fella!
    Hi, I'm bj and I'm so glad to meet you. I was introduced to you on Mary's Writing Nook.
    Won't you please stop by to see me very soon?
    hugs, bj

  41. Me again...when you have the time and energy, pls come by my site and pick up a sidebar button for you.
    hugs, bj

  42. Hi Deena, just stopping in to say Hello from my corner of the world. It is a bit cold here in MI today, but warmer than it has been. You remain in my thoughts and may tomorrow be a day of refreshing and renewal as you rest in the Lord.

  43. Bittersweet Pumpkin sent me over, I just wanted you to know a prayer was said by me for you today. You sound like a dear woman. There is no circumstance that God cannot change!
    Blessings and hugs to you,

  44. Deena, I was pointed to your blog by Annie.

    All our thoughts are with you. Be strong and keep fighting.

  45. Deena, although we haven't met, I read Annie's post and needed to come over. Please accept my prayers and positive vibes to your gallant fight. A dear friend had cancer last year and so have many relatives. May you come out on the up side very soon.

  46. Hi Deena!!!

    I know this is a major emotional roller coaster for you!

    Any one of us could be gone one is promised another try to remain positive and remember what all the others have said....a lot of people are living with cancer and living a long full life.
    The kids and I will be praying for you every morning and of course I think of you and pray often for you through the day!

    Much Love!

  47. Deena,

    I found your blog through Lee at Webber's World and I had to visit. I will say a secret Italian prayer for you that I just learned this Christmas Eve. This prayer, according to legend, can only be taught on Christmas Eve and I'm so glad my dear friend's mother took time this past year to teach me.

    Take care,

  48. Hi Sweet Deena, Thinking about you and your family this Sunday afternoon. Hope you are snuggled up and enjoying your family,
    and maybe a nice cup of tea in a pretty cup:) A nibble of sweet
    ( chocolate:) if you feel like it.
    {{Big Hugs}},Love and many Prayers Mary :)

  49. Deena,

    I'm so glad you are doing a little better today. I know you CAN beat this thing and Rich's words reminds me of the saying, "Let's Roll."

    You are a brave and strong woman. You are now walking through the fire, which will make you even stronger.

    All of my love, blessings and prayers to you and Rich.

    Love you...

  50. Deena, this is my first visit to your blog. I heard about you through Sharon's blog. I love the smile on your face and the fight in your words. You are a woman of great faith and stength. It will be an honor to pray for you and Rich. Jennifer

  51. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep your eyes on Him and keep fighting!

  52. Hi Deena,
    I have come here via Amy (Four sisters in a cottage). You will be in my thoughts & prayers as you continue on this journey & I know our loving God will keep watch over you & your beautiful family. He is the great healer & through him all things are possible. Much love & hugs for you Deena & strength to see this through.

  53. Maybe your God wants you back with him? If so, why fight it?

  54. Deena, your wonderful attitude and the great support you have from your family and friends is going to make a world of difference. Thoughts and hugs and all the luck in the world.


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~