Thursday, February 21, 2008

GOOD after noon

oh I had to have this darling SHOE, I ordered it from
it will be arriving SOON.
Well, I haven't been lazy, but I'm late getting here.
I called my plastic surgeon & I go in @ 9AM
for him to have a looky loo at my tummy.
If I wasn't doing chemo, I'd not worry, but
I have to be careful now.
I have it bandaged with NeoSporin & it's not
worse, but not better.

Wasn't the eclipse awesome?? Did the moon
turn red where you are?? My camera
just didn't have the UMPH to get 
pic of it in the dark..WAAH
I'm asking for a PRO camera for Christmas 2008.

Today I'm finishing up my Pink Artist Squares
& the domestic things!! Like dishes, laundry, bed 
making . 

it's snowing and cold here AGAIN
oh my gosh , by now I usually have green things peeking out
of the ground.  Spring WILL come.

Check out the BALD EAGLE pics 
my friend Rhea took..they are

Please stop by my friend JoAnna's blog
Her mom SUDDENLY passed away
& she is heart broken. 

even with all the heartache this life offers
we are all blessed each day.

This sweet award is from 
 she's so CREATIVE!!
I'm going to do a post to pass on 
awards ..I'm just so slow!!

Joys today

the lunar eclipse was awesome & we had clear skies
jazzy music on the radio
candles that smell like SPRING
Nicole ( my daughter) got a new job yesterday
friends who pray for me & care (that's why I'm doing SO good)
being able to create artsy stuff
being able to do housework
the blessing of being a stay at home everything after 30 years

What are you joys?? Please share..

"What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?
If God is for us, who can EVER be against us"



  1. I love your list of joys!

    Blessings to you today!!

  2. Good Afternoon Deena,
    "PRAISE GOD" you are feeling better and able to do some things. Just don't overdo yourself tho. I love the little crystal dish you got. I love crystal things also. I have a few things that are crystal myself. I will be praying you get a good report on your tummy. We didn't get to see the Lunear Eclipse here. It was cloudy. I was over at Pea@Pea'scorner this morning. She lives in Canada. She saw it and she has a few pictures of it on her post today. We got a little freezing rain here overnight. The roads were in good shape this morning and they had School. The girls weren't too happy about it tho. LOL. Some of my joys today is that we didn't get the Ice they were first predicting and still have power. I am "THANKFUL" for having some answered prayers this week. Today is "THANKFUL THURSDAY" and I have some "THANKFUL" things listed. I read your previous post and I love, love, love your new do. It looks so good on you. Take care my friend and have a great afternoon. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love, Hugs, & Prayers,
    Karen H.

  3. Hi Deena, Love the shoe you bought from Nancy. They really are beautiful creations.
    Good Luck with the surgeon.
    Take care.

  4. Deena, so glad you are feeling well. I loved your list of joys. I had the joy of friends visiting and viewing God's glorious creation. I have the joy of a loving husband and a beautiful home. I have the joy of Jesus in my life and I have the wonderful joy of today!

  5. Oh Deena, how did I miss YOU?! Peeked at your spots, and I must tell you I'm humbled. I can now count as one of my joys "meeting" you! Thank you for the sweet compliment, and for being incredibly awesome! And know you have one more prayin' chicklet in your corner! =0]

  6. I am glad that you are having a good day. The sun is shining here in PA, but I think your weather must be coming our way. A snowstorm is coming at midnight.

    I love the little shoe you ordered. It is so cute! Take care!

  7. Deena! That shoe is so cute! Is it paper??? Oh my goodness, I love it! Show pictures when you get it! I hope you got good news about your tummy button.

    Enjoy your day. I am so happy your daughter got a job! Praise God!

    Luv & Hugs, Sharon

  8. Hope your belly spot heals quickly. You look absolutely beautiful. We keep having snow here too. I love snow, but I must say, I'm ready for Spring! The eclipse was very cool, but didn't see any red here.

  9. My absolute JOY is seeing you already making your Christmas desires known for 2008. I FIND GREAT GLEE in that!
    Seasons Greetings.

  10. We couldn't see the eclipse here as it was too cloudy. :(

  11. Love the pics of the bald eagle (thanx for the link). I'm so glad Nicole got a new job! That didn't take her long. Hope your doctor visit went well.

    It's sleeting here in Saint Louis so I imagine you'll get some a bit later. Exciting, huh? :)

  12. Hi Deena!
    Thanks for visiting my blog! So what kind of flower are you? Your positive attitude,courage and smile are so amazing. I was actually reading your story earlier today. I will be praying for you. Have a great week! I will be back.

  13. and the Lord has answered one of our prayers... Nichole has a new job...
    (the rest are in the pot working)...
    the Doctor will take care of your belly button tomorrow morning...and Rich is remaining strong for you...
    God has you in his arms!!!

  14. Deena, Yay! Nicole got a job - an answer to prayer!! Glad you're feeling well today, I'll be praying for your belly button spot. My joy today was witnessing a beautiful sunrise - click over to my blog if you want to see it. And yes, the moon was red here too! Beautiful!!

  15. Beautifully captured shots & the lovely words...wonderful!

  16. I love love your little shoe...... I collect just the right shoes..... I do not have to many but I buy one everytime I get to go to Eureka Springs .........

    I pray that all goes well with that tummy sore............ I pray the oil of the Holy Spirit to cover over it tonight...........

  17. It's icy here too and I thankfully got the day off (it was my 12 hour school day). I think I'm only a few hours from you!

    Yes, the moon was reddish here too-very cool and yes, my camera couldn't quite capture it either!

    Good luck with your infection!!


  18. Deena,

    Your little shoe is awesome. You're going to LOVE it. I do!

    Praise God? You are feeling better and Nicole has a job. God answers our prayers, dear friend.

    I am going now to look at the eagle photos and to JoAnna's blog. I will pray for her. Losing a parent suddenly is a hard thing.

    Love your sparkle award. Life is good!

    My joys for today is that Michelle is recuperating at home and feeling good. She is tired, but that's to be expected.

    Another joy is that I got my computer room spring cleaning started. There is way too much clutter in here and some things have to go.

    Take care and get lots of rest. Tell Nicole I'm so happy for her.

    Blessings and love,

  19. Major rainstorms here today. Blah! But I keep thinking.."it's watering the plants and flowers for the long hot summer ahead of us here."
    So, I am thankful for that and I am "joyful" for sooo many, friends, life, just to name a few.
    Glad your doing SO good today.
    Lovely little shoe!!
    Thinking of you tonight....

  20. lovely your hair looks!! You are such a sweet hearted person. I love coming to your blog and reading your thoughts. I'd be freaking out but nooo, you are sweet and calm. I'm sure you are a light to many gals in your position.
    Hubby and I did see the lunar eclipse!! Our's was a dirty brown but still delightful! Dave has never seen one so he was like a lil kid last night..LOL Sweeeet! Take care my dear..I'm sure I'll write again. Blessings-Erika

  21. Hi Deena, the shoes are so pretty and dainty!

    Have a blessed day!

  22. Luna went from moonlight to red earthenware color here in Missoura and husband was in northern states driving through and it was the same color up that way too. He got out at a stop so we could watch it together/apart...same moon though, same eclipse.

    I have green things coming up on the side of my home, but I'm thinking the ice you threw down this way didn't help any!

    I keep seeing Jimmy Durante singing and dancing across the stage..."When you're smiling the whole world smiles with you, when you're laughing..." And how the Allen's would joke with eachother...Good night Gracie!

  23. What a precious shoe....
    I am thrilled that you feel well enuf to do your housework...and your artsy stuff!!
    My joys:
    * waking up to a beautiful moon thru a heavy fog this morning
    * getting to see my son early this morning
    * going thrifting today, hopefully with daughter
    * sweet hubby and I both have good health and enjoy spending our retirement time with ea other......
    hugs, bj

  24. You are a joy, my dear! I love your list! and i am so sorry about the loss of your friend's mom. she will be in my prayers.

    My joys...

    My little ones that i teach every day...they humble me, they teach me to notice the little things, they love me unconditionally.

    my family

    the letters of the alphabet! without them i would have nothing to teach!!

    have a great weekend!! :)

  25. What a great verse! Optimism works. Take it from a born pessimist. Attitude, attitude--who can be against you when you have Him in you?
    Great things:
    A wonderful family who loves me anyway
    Snow--even if it is the 30th snowfall we've have this winter
    A day off to do art--yeah!
    Coffee-yum, yum

    Love you, Sally

  26. I love your list of of mine is coming here to visit you.
    I hope you have a wonderful day!

  27. Hey Miss Deena...stopping in to give you a HUG...I'll stop back in later....

  28. Hi Deena,
    So glad you're feeling cheery and counting your blessings.
    Keeping you in my prayers.

  29. Hey! Hope your belly button is better!
    Love that shoe!

    SO SO glad your feeling so well and able to do housework...funny that it is now one of your joys :)

  30. My little family, all five of us, stood outside on the sidewalk and watched. There is a window of my bed and I could see it from there too! Very cool! Jen

  31. Deena, love the shoe and also wondering if it's paper or an altered shoe, which I have on one of my to do lists. We didn't get to see the eclipse, it was cloudy and raining, then tornado warnings till 4 this morning. I Love your new do and you look so beautiful. That smile is contagious and I have to come here for a spirit lift. I posted at your friend Joanna's blog. I know the pain she is going through and my heart aches for her. I haven't gotten angry yet, but I'm sure it will come. God Bless you for caring about other people so much. I too wish I had money to help more people. Love Ya, Pat


  33. stopping by to say hello and tell you i think of you so often....hope you are having a good, restful day,
    loving thoughts and prayers,

  34. My son asked me to go outside to look at the lunar eclipse with him. He is 18 years old; how awesome is that? We went out two different times, and it is COLD here, but was so worth it. Absolutely beautiful!
    I'm happy to hear your daughter got a new job!

  35. Deena..One of my Joys is reading Your Blog!!


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~