Friday, February 29, 2008

We are HOME

Oh I did so good today with chemo.
I got  Herceptin, Taxotere, Carboplatin, Zometa, along with pre
chemo meds.

Everything went smoothly. That's because
all of you were with me today.
Your prayers lift me up to Him.

I got this LOVELY necklace in the mail today
isn't it gorgeous??

 My earrings are from
my BFF Marcia,  love the blue.

Thanks for caring
My blog is such a blessing for ME
& I hope it is for someone else also.

I just want to say AGAIN
though I read EVERY comment
I will always have to be careful of my arm, so
sometimes I just can't come visit and POST.
Please know I care!!

Tonight I'll be doing the updates to
The Primitive Gathering. Check out all the fun 
items, even ONE from me.

fondly, Deena


  1. Looking good my friend!!! 2 down!!!

  2. You're still gorgeous!! So glad you're doing so well!

  3. you look healthy and peaceful my dear deena.....loving that you are doing so well...know that you aren't expected to answer our visits...WE visit because we care....and in turn we feel inspired by YOU!
    such sweet gifts from sweet friends who care....
    loving thoughts and hugs,

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. found your wonderful blog while clicking on this n' that & kind of feeling down & dreary for whatever silly your words, & am in awe of your strength, and peace. whatever I had been feeling down about pales in prayers & strength go to you, Pink Warrior...never lose that wonderful smile!! *elaine*

  6. Love all your Gorgeous goodies !! You look so purty and I am continuing to pray for you !!! You are His precious daughter !!!
    P.S. no need to comment back, just read and be covered in the love and care we all have for you !!!

  7. Hi Deena
    Just catching up. Glad to hear you are home . I love your hats , I particulary like your one with the flower on.
    sending you lots of love
    x Dominique

  8. You remain in my prayers Deena...and don't you look pretty! You truly do.
    Blessings to you. Get some rest thus weekend and know that so many love you and care for you.


  9. Deena, you look so gorgeous!!! and you are such a sweet soul:)

  10. hi... im so happy u r better now... u look lovely in the foto...i had by mistake posted my last comment from my blog which i don use....sorry!!!.....u take care n b happy alws.....

    chikku :)

  11. I've thought about you alot today. I'm so glad it went well. I'm loving your positive attitude and spirit. You go girl!


  12. cool hats on all of your posts--have been praying for you daily.

  13. Wow! There's another one over with and you are doing great!

    Chelsea and I are about to take that award and put it on her blog.

    You are too, too sweet~!

    Praying for continued cancer butt-kicking!

    Becky K. and Chelsea too!
    She is reading over my shoulder...

  14. Deena,

    You look fabulous. Every day I pray for all of us.

  15. Deena,

    I'm so glad the chemo went well. I will be praying that you have a good week and aren't too tired.

    Joys for me today:
    Taking care of Griffyn. I don't get to see him often. He is adorable. Trouble is, he knows it. LOL and uses it to try and get his own way.

    The beautiful snow we are getting, even though roads are treacherous.

    A praying mother.

    Having YOU as my friend and JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR.

  16. Deena, You look pretty in purple too. You don't have to respond to this. You need your rest. I am praying right now for you. Kathi

  17. Glad you're home and doing well. You do look good in purple. I think however, you look good in most any color you choose to wear.
    Blessings to you.

  18. Deena, I just found your blog today. All I can say (ok...type) is WOW! I'm sooo inspired by your story. My MIL was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer in June. She underwent a lumpectomy and raditation. She is healed. But she is convinced of it and is lying in bed thinking she'll die any moment. The doctors, friends and family cannot make her believe anything else. She has a long history of depression. She is cancer free, but chronically complains of being "not good" and when asked what is wrong she replies "I have cancer." NO! She doesn't have cancer anymore!!! I want to send the link to your blog to her! You and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Godspeed to you! Thank you for writing this blog and keeping us updated on your progress. Hugs, Michelle

  19. Glad to know everything went smoothly. Do take your well-earned rest. The blog posts are enough reply.

  20. sleep well, deena....hoping tomorrow is a beautiful, feel good day,
    prayers and hugs,

  21. You look beautiful! You eyes and beautiful smile, say it all. I hope you have a wonderful and peaceful weekend. You have been in my thoughts and prayers.

  22. Dear Deena,

    You rest now my friend. Know that I am here and that I care. Many prayers being said for you.

    Gentle Hugs,

  23. You look much to perky and pretty to have gone to chemo today! Are you sure you showed up? LOL. I was admiring the lovely necklace in the picture. It's really stunning on you. Glad it all went well today. I thought of you.

  24. Deena, you look so pretty in blue. I get such a good vibe from you as I do with Amy. You are remarkable women who fight this disease with such courage and the Love of God shows on your face. 2 hurdles down-you go girl. Love Ya, Pat

  25. Hi Deena, you look lovely! Have a blessed day!

  26. Dear Dear Deena,
    so happy that things went well yesterday (I am writing this on Sat. morning)...
    Hoping and praying that you did not get sick last night...
    today will be a big rest here is a big {{{{{HUG}}}} for you

  27. Good Morning Deena,
    "PRAISE GOD" your Chemo went well. You look very beautiful and I do love your hat. It is so you. I hope you rest today and just take it easy. I have been reading your previous' post's as well. I will be praying for little Eva. I pray that God will take her lung cancer away and just heal her completely. The picture of you and Cole is just adorable. You look very happy and he looks happy to be in Grandma's arms. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Continue to Bless You and Yours.

    Love, Hugs, & Prayers,
    Karen H.

  28. I just found your blog and wanted to thank you for sharing your story! You are a beautiful and amazing lady! To God be the Glory!! I will be lifting you up in prayer!

  29. Praying for you last night that God would heal you quickly, just breathing His life into you. Woke up this morning to these verses...
    "And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" Lk 18:7-8

  30. Your in my prayers! God bless and keep you!

  31. You look realy snazzy in that sweet hat Deena - so glad the chemo went well for you yesterday.

    I thought of you as I filled my many feeders - my birds are singing in the sunshine this morning - I'm sending their melodies on the breeze to you.
    Love, Mary.

  32. You are still looking radiant, my friend. Just beautiful....and, hey, I LOVE your pretty jewelry!
    hugs, bj

  33. Deena, I just found you through Dawn at The Feathered Nest and wanted to say in your case, Bald is Beautiful! I read through your blog and can only say you are an amazing woman.I will be keeping you in my prayers, your strength will be what gets you through this!
    I am so glad you have such a wonderful family and a large group of friends who love you. I will keep in touch.

  34. good morning, deena....thinking of you and praying you have a feel good day.....with lots of joys.
    loving thoughts and prayers,

  35. Dearest Deena,
    Just came by to say hello and check in on you.

    The jewelry is lovely - as is the light and sweetness in your eyes and smile.

    Glad that yesterday's chemo went well. May it be healing all...

    Thinking of you --
    *cyber hugs*

    Loving Annie

  36. You look lovely dahling!!

    Love the blue chapeau and the jewelry just sets off your beauty!!

  37. I'm so glad yesterday's chemo went well and your blood work was good. I love the hat and the fact that the kitty ate some of the beads off of it made me laugh. Do not worry about replying, just take care of your arm and you...

  38. Deena, my husband Jeff and I are remarking how beautiful you are. We love your face, you are GORGEOUS girl!

    Welcome Spring, whereever you are... I'm hoping you arrive at my door next. You peered in for a lil while spring but then you left... where'd you go?

    Love & blessings, Monica

  39. You look so good in your cute hat. I am glad things went well for you. I pray for you all the time sweetie.

    Love Sharon

  40. Hello Sweet Deena, How lovely you look in that precious blue hat:) So glad you are having a good day. What a cute grandson, and he keeps you entertained too:) Soft Hugs and Lots of Prayers Mary

  41. You are too sweet!!When You comment back that is such an extra Joy because you make us all feel so special!! But You can do that by a post too!!So don't worry about us.We will be here no matter what!!


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~