Friday, February 22, 2008

What do you think???


Isn't my  new look divine??
Oh I love it.

So much fun  today , first I went to
Dr . Jones, my plastic surgeon.
He opened up the spot, took a culture
gave me a prescription for a cream &
an oral antibiotic .  

I go back in two weeks , unless it doesn't clear up.
Everyone there treats me like I'm a treasured friend.
I love it.  Dr Denise , my breast surgeon was 
in the lobby and we chatted for a bit.  I just
love that woman! She's a breath of fresh air
as a doctor. So fun!!

Then my BIL took me to the Post Office to 
get my "Dreaming With Deena" book
from the members of ZNE Art group.
It's SO awesome, full of love & caring
and wonderful art. It touched
my heart so much that folks care!!

My paper shoe arrived today..a hand made card
& notepad with pen from Susan & a card from

Then a short nap, & off to the movies
my youngest daughter , Mercedes. She wanted
to see  Jumper.  It was enjoyable & great to be with

After the movie, we went to a Japanese restaurant for dinner
Yummy..I have grilled rice, yummy vegetables & hibachi shrimp
Oh so GOOD
Then we went to Bath & Body Works and I bought her some
True Blue Spa
Body Scrub & Bath Spa
It was great fun, but a tiring day.

I'll be sharing pics too!!
I feel so blessed, I love my life so much!!
Thank you all for caring.

a wonderful hubby
movie with my daughter
seeing 4 bald eagles today while we were out
seeing at least a dozen wild turkeys all together 
seeing two red tail hawks
time with my daughter
a nestle in the woods
God caring me through chemo
 Oh so awesome new blog format


fondly, Deena

PS** My hair is starting to leave my head**
I have a wig and some hats, I'll READY!!
I hope I don't cry


  1. Oh, my, Deena...this new look for your blog is FABULOUS...I can see why you love it so much.
    What a wonderful and blessed day you had just doesn't get any better than to be able to spend quality time (actually ANY time) with our daughters or our sons. I am thankful for every second I have with mine!
    Sleep well and I just know your day tomorrow will be GOOD !!
    HUGS, bj

  2. Love the new look. Sarah is awesome! I'm glad you had such a wonderful day. You totally deserve it. GOD IS GOOD...ALL THE TIME...
    love you my friend,

  3. Been checking to see how your appointment went. Glad you had such a great and fun day!
    I cried....then I put the wig on. We are so much more than hair! But, it is OK to cry.....Mine is growing back...hope I can keep it!

  4. LOVE THE NEW PAGE. Green is my favorite color.....well one of them! Glad your day was so full and tonight and sweet dreams.

  5. Love the new blog design. Beautiful. And, just thinking, bet you could use face paint and paint on a pretty design after all of your hair leaves. Sending you hugs.

  6. i LoVe your new look, deena....beautiful and fresh! and it sounds like you had an amazing good to feel loved and excited about life....sweet dreams!
    hugs and prayers,

  7. Your new look is lovely, my friend and it was so gracious of Sarah to design it for you.

    I'm glad you got to spend some time with Mercedes. Sounds like you girls had a lot of fun. I'm sure she loved the body and bath.

    Be sure to rest, dear friend. Brandon is keeping Michelle in line. Ha! He had instructions from Grandma.

    My joys today:

    Seeing a female cardinal and a chickadee at the feeder.

    Visiting with my neighbor, Marianne. I have talked to her on the phone but haven't seen her in about a month.

    Talking to Jordan on the phone and helping him solve a problem.

    Talking to Michelle on the phone twice and she actually called me both times.

    Looking through a couple of thrift stores, even though I didn't find any treasures. It was nice just browsing.

    Take care. I love you.

    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Hi Deena! Wow girl, what a day you had!!! Sounds like you're feeling good and I'm so very glad of that. Your blog design is just gorgeous, I love that little bird in your banner you know...much love to you, xxoo, Dawn

  9. Hi Deena,
    I'm so glad you had time with your daughter today. Sounds like you both had a great time, and topped off with Japanese too!! I really need to arrange for a day with my daughter. The only problem is, I am usually her babysitter!!

    I love your new blog look. Green is my favorite color. :)

    I hope your tummy problem clears up with the medication.


  10. Love the new look!
    You get nice wigs there (in the US)apparently. Natural looking ones are difficult to find in our country. Hugs.
    Joys: It's lily time and so many are in bloom. My orchids are all in bloom too.

  11. What a lovely day you had Deena, I am so happy that you got to enjoy so many blessings! I'm so blessed that you are my friend.

    Luv & hugs, Sharon

  12. Love the new look! Have a blessed day!

  13. Oh Dear Sweet Deena, your new site is gorgeous. I want to learn to do that so very much. Also love the new look of Pretty You. I am so happy you had such a great day. Oh sob, sob, I miss my Chris so mucy and can't wait to go in May. I would love to get some energy---I told Hubby, I have not been this tired since my stay in ICU. Praise Lord Jesus for helping you and being able to enjoy each day, but Please remember to rest when you get tired. Love Ya, Pat

  14. Your new look is just wonderful, love it!!! I am so glad for you that you enjoying time with daughter, moves and other joys. You are a true inspiration! Don't loose your tears, we are all there for you and we just love you the way you are - with or without a hat!

    Love Suzy

  15. I do love the new blog look... and I will love your new look (when you have to resort to the wig and hats)
    and it's ok for you to cry when it happens...
    sounds like you and Mercedes had a wonderful fun day today...I am so glad...
    now tomorrow you probably need to rest...
    I will say an extra little prayer for your belly button!!!

  16. Love your new blog design! I'm glad you had a good day, and were able to enjoy time with Mercedes! My joys, dinner out with hubby (a rare treat), daily "kisses" from my baby dog, talking to my daughter on the phone! Praying for you... Love, Pam

  17. What a fun day! You deserve some fun. I have the little night hat ready when your locks leave. Just wave goodbye and say, "See you again soon." You're beautiful no matter what.
    A couple of hours to create
    4 things sold on Etsy, Yeah!
    Pancake breakfast at church, Yum.
    My house is still clean, go figure.
    Sorted my fabrics and ribbons.
    Home with Hubby all day.
    Getting birthday mugs from potter.
    I'm so blessed.
    Love you,

  18. Hi Deena, just stopped by to see how you were doing.....I LOVE YOUR NEW BLOG LOOK.....I remember when my granddaugher had cancer, blogging got my daughter through it.... and when Ali started her chemo and started to loose her hair, her mom shaved it, and she wrapped a towel as a turbin around her head, and all Ali's friends came over wearing she wouldn't feel alone..... well Bless YOU and I'll be back later. judy

  19. Ok so first of all I want to go bumming with you and Mercedes (love her name!!), You guys had so much fun. It sounds like even though you had to go to the doctor you had an amazingly blessed day. My friend lost all of her hair and when she visited at our house she even took her wig off. She said she felt like losing her hair was more of her idenity than losing both her breasts but you know what, her hair is back curlier, thicker than ever and past her shoulders in less than two years. She said it was kind of fun wearing different wigs, she would say each day as she was gett ready, "hmm am I in a short blond mood today or a brunette bob mood...."have fun with it, that's what she did and it helped her get through. Please don't think Deena I am making light of it, because I am not, I am just telling you what Kathy did to get through. You are truly a remarkable person and such an inspiration to me. I will get your way and we will have lunch.

    LeAnn :)

  20. Your blog is beautiful........... I love that color....... I am a green person............. So glad you got to go out and about with the daughter and then the dinner sound YUM YUM....... that is my favorite cuisine !!!!!!!! and I look forward to the new you and the wigs......... dont cry...... God will give you back brand new hair.........

    love ya

  21. Love the new layout. Sage is one of my favorite colors--very soothing.

  22. Love your new Blog Look !! You are beautiful as ever ! Your old hair is just going away , making room for new , lustrous, healthier and thicker stuff.....out with the old in with the new baby !
    Love spending time with my's eye opening for me....I'll bet you raised some wonderfully awsome , lovely ladies !
    Wow, you get to see some creatures there...I get to see the occasional cardinal....hmmmmm
    my blessings today:
    I am not alone , though I may feel like it sometimes.
    God loves me even if I don't particularly love myself some days.

  23. The new blog look is wonderful! What a fun day you had~thanks for sharing your blessings..


  24. Your blog facelift is quite charming. Isn't it fun to have so many choices...everywhere we go, from menus to hats...and I bet you have some darling new hats! Your JOYS are precious Deena and I hope your weekend promises more~


  25. Your new blog look is just awesome!

    Hope you have a warm and happy day!

  26. Hi Deena, love the new look of the blog, such gorgeous colours too.
    You have had a busy fun filled day. How wonderful that you have a doctor like Doctor Denise.
    Take care

  27. Deena, When my hair fell out after chemo, I ordered several wigs from Paula Young. I would order several at a time, try them on and return what I didn't want. They were so good to take back any or all. I had several and I had a great time with them. I looked better than I ever looked in my life! Ha! Ha! It was fun!

    You can call 1-888-800-5830 to order a free catalog. Their web address may be
    You can do a search.

  28. Hi Deena,

    I really do like your new blog look. Very pretty.

    I'm glad you had a good day yesterday. I would have been tired, too, from all you did yesterday. You had a full day to say the least.

    I'm sorry your hair is beginning to come out; but you are a strong person, and you can handle it. Besides, there are some really pretty wigs. I have one myself and no one even knows it's not my own hair when I wear it.

    Love and Prayers,

  29. Deena,

    I cried the day we shaved my MIL's head. We still have pictures of it. It was so sad. But, she now has a wonderful head of hair and was only without hair for a little under a year. The Doctors recommended we shave it to make it less painful. It helped.

    Please know that I am praying for you. This part is one of the hardest parts. But I am confident you will be the valiant brave woman I know you to be. :)

    Love you!

  30. I think your new look is beautiful. Green is such a inspiring color. It also goes really well with pink!

    Out of everything my daughter went through, losing her hair was the hardest. Go ahead and cry for it but also rejoice for the beautiful new hair that will replace it.

    Blessed Be.

  31. Hey Sweetie. Yes, the blog looks wonderful! I have been losing my hair pretty steadily for the past two years and have half of what I had without much possibilty of it returning. It scares me - I'm only thirty six, what will it look like in ten years? I'll definitly have to have a hair hat (wig) if this keeps up. Hard on a girl's vanity! Just think though, you will lose some of yours, but it will bome back! Keep your eye on the future, when this is all a great success story and you are the one encouraging others with your story!!!

  32. Your new blog is so lovely Deena, i love it.

    I know some people feel that hair loss shouldn't be a big deal...but it was for me, i cried and cried. I am not a vain woman, i just cried for what it meant...and for its loss. Hard for me to put in to words.

    You will be fine though...God is with you, holding your hand, ready to help your hair grow back when the time the meantime, rock those hats and wig, ok!


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~