Friday, February 1, 2008


My white blood count moved down from 18 to 17..not enough..
I did get my IV to start strengthening my bones.
Dr. Prager (oncologist) wanted me to see Dr Jones( plastic surgeon) 
so I saw him today too. (smiles & hugs I got from him)
I have two new antibiotics..and Rich &  I are  going in next Friday
at 8 AM to try again.  Dr Prager wants to start the chemo
ASAP..The cancer is aggressive and we need to start killing
those cells!!  
I was disappointed ..but it's not like last week when I got
the Pet/CT scan results..
I post again soon.
Fondly, thanks for being my warriors..Deena


  1. headed in the right direction....and we stay the course....loving thoughts and prayers......
    ((((warm hugs))))

  2. You have good doctors. Wise doctors. And there is no way they will give you chemo when your body is so open already to infection. The chemo will do a number on your immune system as it is. And as disappointing as it is to have to wait another week -- just think how strong you will be next week and how ready your body will be to receive this treatment?

    Have they mentioned neupogen once you are started to help keep the cell counts high?

    Spirits lifted -- make the most of this week and the time will pass very quickly!!

    In my thoughts and prayers my dear.

  3. By happenstance, I found your blog. I don't know you, but I'll be praying for you during your treatments. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

  4. Deena, I needed just a bit more time to carry a few more buckets up the hill. One more week should do it. I'll make a plan. Then I will execute that plan. And in one week. Our buckets will be ready.

  5. My thoughts and prayers are with strong and we'll see what next Friday brings. Be sure to get plenty of rest!

  6. Good to hear that at least you got the IV for the strengthening of your bones.
    Hope your count is better next Friday.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Thinking of you

  7. I know it wasn't what we were hoping for and I'm sure you must be very disappointed, BUT, this will give you time to get even stronger so you will be able to receive the chemo next Friday. I'm so glad you got the bone medication because that can go to work RIGHT NOW!! I pray you and Rich have a restful and peaceful weekend. Much love, Susan P.

  8. OK,next friday it is!
    You know we're all with you every step of the way!
    Take gentle care Deena...

  9. Next week you will be stronger in body, mind and spirit. Until then...

    May courage surround you in the thick of the fight.

    May angels embrace you in the dark of the night.

    May people enfold you who understand, to love you and warm you while lending a hand.

    May you face each new day in the strength of the Lord and find hope, joy, and peace as His gentle reward.

    You are in my prayers.
    Dale Ann

  10. Just think how much stronger you will be next week! Then you can start kickin`butt!! ((Hugs)) Angie

  11. Good Afternoon Deena,
    Sorry you didn't get to start the Chemo today, but the doctor's know best as well as the one and only GREAT PHYSICIAN. Keep your chin up and we will make this coming week go by fast for ya. You and Rich look so wonderful together. Maybe you and Rich can go out and have dinner together tonight. Since today is February 1, and the beginning of a Romantic month, why not start early and have a Romatic dinner together. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours. Still praying and thinking of you both daily.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  12. ...God bless you dear Deena! Coming out of hiding to tell you that thoughts of you cross my mind daily and you are always in my prayers - You are never alone.

    ...Blessings... :o)

  13. Deena, you have such a beautifully loving face, I just had to tell you that again. As others have also said, you'll be so much more ready and prepared by next week, stronger of mind and body. Hugs to you, wishing you all the best always.

  14. At least, it is going down and not back up. Another little prayer answered!
    I am praying hard for you and for Rick and for your whole family and friends.

  15. I don't know you but I came upon your blog. I will pray for you daily.

  16. all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
    (Romans 8:28)
    try as we might we cannot rush God's timing... all we can do is follow the instructions of the Doctors...pray for their wisdom in treatment.. and leave the rest up to God...
    I will follow my own advice...
    and I will not predict next Friday as "D" day...rather I will continue to pray for the Bone medication to strengthen you sufficiently...and wait on God's timing for the Chemo to begin... after all He knows the end result already... and he will direct the process by which He wishes you to get there!!
    {{Hugs, prayers, and love}}
    I pray you and Rich are not too discouraged with the little time delay..

  17. I'm disappointed, too, Deena, because I know you were counting on getting started today. I think that God's protecting you by not allowing you to begin today. I agree with Sherry that you have wise and honorable doctors who will do what is right for you. I'm still praying and will add patience to my list. We'll play this week so it will pass quickly! Love you, Sally

  18. Deena, I'm so glad the white cell count has gone down and not the other direction. You have wise doctors, and I'm so thankful they are there to help take care of you.

    I'm sorry for another disappointment this week ... but there is a reason you must wait!

    Our prayers continue to be with you!


  19. Thought about you today often! I am glad the doctors are being so careful as to not make you feel worse. We just have to trust that they know the right things for YOU. Everyone is unique. ESPECIALLY YOU. Praying now for FRIDAY.


  20. All will be done in God's perfect timing. He leaves nothing to chance, but walks with us through each and every day.

  21. I'm glad you have good doctors. Friday will be here soon!

    I checked out your new Primitive Gathering update. You do such good work. That's a beautiful Web site.

  22. hi deena! i'm a breast cancer survivor (one year next month) and a friend of joanna's. i wanted to tell you that you are in my heart, thoughts and daily prayers. i truly believe the prayers of the saints carried me through the last year. peace be with you and strength, joy, and love even in the dark times, He is with you.

  23. Oh, You are in my prayers. I found your blog thru Karen's Blog.. I hope that all the treatment works well, without making you feel bad.

  24. Deena, Karen at Karen's Korner was telling me about you and the fight you are having with cancer. I am so sorry to hear this and want you to know I will be prayer for your recovery. You know all things are possible with God.

  25. Deena, you look so beautiful in your photo! You are in my ask God to clear you of your cancer. I'm learning to be more specific in my prayers. I hope you are too!

    Be strong.

  26. I'm sorry for your news Deena. At least it did come down a little. My sister told me that she has a friend who had cancer and they tried a new radical treatment where they take out a bunch of your good cells and then hit you hard with the chemo to kill off all the cancerous cells and then replenish you with your good cells again. Have you heard of anything like that? I'm sorry I don't have more technical terms.

    Deena, I am happy to hear that you are not as down as last Friday. I really hope you have a blessed weekend.

    Take care my friend, Sharon

  27. Sending hugs and prayers to you. I'm glad you were able to get your IV. Friday you will be stronger and able to start your chemo. Blessings to you and yours. Linda

  28. Thank you all!!
    I'm keeping my spirits
    up..and gonna pamper
    myself ALL week!!


  29. Just checking in on you, you with the lovely face. Sending wonderful, healing thoughts your way.

  30. Hi Deena! I'm a friend of Mary of Isabelle's Closet & Amy at Four Sisters in a Cottage.

    Please know that you are so admired & loved & are being prayed for by many MANY of us here in blogland. I wish only the very best for you as you start this episode & hope you will have as much great strength to battle as you have physical beauty & grace to tame this beast!

    All my love & prayers!

    {{{{Big Hugs}}}}
    Angelic Accents

  31. Deena, sorry it wasn't the news you wanted, but glad that the drs are doing the right thing. Just as someone else said, God knows what He is doing. You are so surrounded by angels and we will all be praying for you. Will check in again--moving back home on Sunday. {{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}Pat

  32. Deena............healing thoughts and prayers coming your way!


  33. Hi Deena,

    Take comfort, God's timing is so perfect, and his plans are in motion. Just rest and we'll be praying. I believe God is strengthening your body and when next week comes you will be ready.

    Big hugs,

  34. Lifting you up in prayer, dear friend. Your doctors are wise and knowledgeable, you are on two rounds of antibiotics. Am praying the infection is gone by next Friday but remember - all things in God's perfect timing. ;-) Love you...

    Blessings and love,

  35. Praying for you! It's all in God's timing.

  36. Deena:

    You are in my daily prayers. We are all pulling for you as is readily seen. I like birds too, and have some pics I want to send--one especially will put a big smile on your face. Hopefully, I can do that by next week.

    Your doctors sound great . . . I will continue to pray for their wisdom, however, we know that the Great Physician, is guilding them. They are but extensions of His hands.

    In Him,
    Jim's Patty

  37. It is important the doctors are getting you headed in the right direction! Praying for you to be ready on Friday!!

    Love and hugs,

  38. I will keep the prayers going Deena for next Friday..
    I am sure you are in good hands and have so much love behind you..


  39. Better to be safe.The waiting is agony I know but you want to tackle this head on.
    Take a walk in the Singing Woods that will lift the spirits.That and the fact that all of us are thinking of you and holding you close in our hearts.
    XO Susan

  40. More positive energy and good thoughts being sent your way.

    Blessed Be.

  41. Hi Deena,

    I have a very dear friend who went through the same thing and she is cancer free but the best thing that came out of all of it was that she truly discovered Jesus. Deena, you are an inspiration and so strong and I will be praying for you.



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