Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Touched by an Angel

my sweet BBFF Jan of Bold & Free
has something wonderful
dedicated to lil ole pink Deena
on her BLOG

It made me cry, cuz GOD will
make a way.

I foolish looked at statistics
for women to survive 5 years or
longer with Stage 4 Breast Cancer,
I say BULL..20%???
Well , I 'll be one of those 2 in 10!!
God WILL make a way.

Oh ..please sign my Guest Book on the right!!

lovingly, Deena



  1. Stay strong, keep your spirit...and stay off the computer!!! I'm putting my foot, no, my feet down!! You will only make yourself crazy if you read all these stats -- because of the way they are written and skewed and you need to read them more in depth to really understand them, so on the surface they just frighten.

    And remember this Deena -- you are not a statistic. You are not your pathology. That is science, math and numbers -- you are you..a child of God and you have faith, spirit and determination. Never let a number be who you are. Ever.

    ((((hugs)))) -- it's the hardest journey but the hard ones are the ones we appreciate most.

  2. God will make a way, where there seems to be no way....
    He did that for me in 1979 .. I went into respiratory failure due to a severe asthma attack...dr's told my family that IF I lived I would be in a vegetative state for the remainder of my life. I was in a coma for 12 days and woke paralyzed from the neck down, a trach in my throat and double vision to boot. God surprised them all ... all these years later, I am still here. By God's grace, I am here.
    You are an inspiration dear one .. keep on keepin' on. He never fails.

  3. You go girl! Our thoughts are powerful. Our words are powerful! And...most importantly...our God is powerful. Anything is possible with God. He hold you in His hand. You and me. Feel the comfort.


  4. Deeena, keep positive. Whatever our beliefs 'God or No God'
    You are a strong lady both inside and out.
    You are a fighter - keep up the good fight.
    Ignore statistics cos you are a survivor.
    Thinking of you

  5. this internet can be your worst and best friend, deena....i agree with sherry.....don't go there....you aren't a statistic.....you are you, and you are in God's hands....
    so, continue fighting this fight with God by your side....and being the spunky, loving, lover of life that you are.....God will find a way.
    loving thoughts and continued prayers my friend,sleep well

  6. Deena ~ I love that! I am kind of at a loss for words right now ~

  7. I totally agree with Sherry and Kimberley! You are You and not a statistic,with everyone in blogland as well as your family and friends praying for you,you will conquer this!The power of prayer is something so strong you will not fail! God Will Make a Way!
    Love from Kathyann and the girls

  8. A lovely dedication by Jan. Don't you just love Don Moen's songs? I take a lot of comfort in this song whenever I go through life's obstacles. Hope you do too, Deena. Have a blessed day!

  9. Ok, on that page where you read the statistic, did you see the name of Deena anywhere? I rest my case. :)


  10. Deena, I went over and listened to the song that was dedicated to you, and it is beautiful. I can see where it would make you cry.

    Love and Prayers,

  11. Deena, I am praying for you sweet heart. You are so beautiful. Your friend did a wonderful job on that video. I loved it. Hang in there honey. love always, nita

  12. Hi Deena,
    My friend, Marie, is an ovarian cancer survivor of 4 1/2 years...August will be 5 years! Praise God! She was one of the 2 out of 10....there is no reason it can't be you too. That is way we all thought for Marie.....it has to be someone! Keep up the great work and prayers....you are an inspiration and in my prayers. :o) Lori in California.

  13. Deena,
    I am so glad you like the video. I don't know you, but I am praying for your.
    Many Blessings,
    btw, you can upload the video to your blog if you prefer.

  14. Those "stats" are wrong. You can't track women who are long gone and moved on and didn't stop to ask permission or directions.
    I was in the room when they told me and my husband I had 3 months max. And I was looking at the doctor a month later when they had the lab work from the tumors they removed and he said, "We don't understand why these are all benign, we've gone over all the data and with our pre surgery findings and blood work, this just can't be." So after I said to the perplexed PRACTICING MEDICINE
    Doctor, "God!". He looked at me disgusted as though I was stupid and left. I know I didn't check back in with him! But I'm sure God has. That was a whole lot of years back and I've done a whole lot of living since. c

  15. Deena, you are one in a million - so I know you can beat those odds! Those are just stats in a log book anyway. :) ((((H))))

  16. The internet is such a double edged sword - a vast source of medicinal knowledge that can bring both hope or terror. A place of amazing support from total strangers.

    Yes, decide to be that 2%! Challenge the authenticity of the #s. Each case is so amazingly different, refuse to be lumped in.

    I may need to hook up my speakers so I can watch that video. I'm always up for a good cry!

    Btw, for a moment the other day I glanced and thought your last name was Warrior! Perhaps we need a Deena Warrior graphic. :D

  17. God doesn't deal in statistics...He deals in Miracles!!!
    we are praying for one of those miracles!!!
    Love you,

  18. Forget statistics! Spirit, faith and will are ALWAYS going to triumph.

    Blessed Be.

  19. I agree with you! It is not a good thing to look at statistics because it takes our eyes off God.

    They gave me a book on cancer and told me to read it when I was ready. One night I read it and I cried and cried. I went to the bathroom and told the Lord that I was going to stay in there until he removed the fear from me. He did and I never read anything like that again.

    I guess we are like Peter. If we take our eyes off the Lord and look around at the circumstances or what others might say, we begin to sink.

    I like the verse that says,"They that wait upon the Lord, will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. . . . ."

    May God give you unbelievable peace today!

    Gentle hugs!

  20. Deena..I agree stay away from the stats....one site can say one thing and another site something totally different. They don't know anything anyways! :) There are many that have beaten those odds ...only God knows and who better to trust in!
    Great video too!

  21. Dear Deena,

    There is nothing more powerful than God and Prayer. You have both! Don't read that stuff...it is only just that...stuff!

    God is holding you close to his heart right now. Never forget that, you are His little lamb. In the future He will set you down and you will be running with the rest of them again. Warm Hugs My Friend.
    Olde Lavender Prims

  22. Prayers and good wishes, Deena~ and this... Drop by my blog and pick up your award!!!!

  23. Deena,
    I don't know what to say that the other ladies haven't already said but you are not a statistic, as I told you earlier in the week you are a daughter of the KING and he is crazy about you and you are in his hands. You are staying strong and you are fighting the fight. I am so thankful we have a FATHER who loves us like no other and that we can call on HIM about anything. To our human minds, cancer is a huge deal but cancer is a blip on the radar screen to HIM......STAY STRONG PRETTY GIRL!! You have so many people praying and believing for complete and total healing. HE STILL IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE SITTING ON THE THRONE!!

    Lots of Hugs,
    LeAnn :)

  24. Deena,
    You must not forget that statistics take in everybody. Women who are older than you, have pre-existing conditions such as heart disease, kidney disease, etc., poor family support and the list goes on and on. Statistics are just cold numbers on paper. You are you and you don't fit into these statistics. Just use statistics for your birdcage or to start a fire.....

  25. Deena, I have never read anything about my cancer on line. And my doctor knows that I am on a "Need to Know Basis" only. Those statistics will only play in your head and bring fear. I put everyday in my Lord's hands. Every day I say, "Thank you Lord, you gave me today." I find it sad that it took cancer for me to look at life that way, but I get it now. Still praying....Ceekay

  26. Hi Deena,
    I've learned that if you search hard enough on the internet, you can have symptoms of any disease out there. I also learned not to search! :o)

    I agree with the majority here, you are not a statistic but a Child of the King!

    Praying for you!

    Love and Hugs,

  27. Well, I was going to write about how crazy those statistics are, etc., but I see everyone else has already voiced what I know to be true!
    So take heart, dear Deena! We all know you are NOT a statistic, you are a sweet wonderful woman and friend!

  28. good morning, deena....hope your night was restful and you are having a beautiful day
    hugs and prayers,

  29. OF COURSE HE WILL MAKE A WAY. I believe that with all my heart, Deena. Keep your sweet spirit up and you WILL make it.
    hugs, bj

  30. I saw Jan's tribute and it was so beautiful and tear jerking! Oh Deena, please get well!

    Love you, Sharon

  31. You are a remarkable woman of faith. I prayed for you at Mass today as I said I would. "Survival rates, odds, percentages..."how they must make Our God laugh. The Lord only wants to get us to the point where we realize He Is All We Have...He Is All That Matters.

  32. Hi Deena! Please, don’t reed stupid statistics!
    It doesn’t work for girl like you!
    In what column in statistics you can put your remarkable bravery? Which column for the prayers of your friends? And is there a formula to calculate your unique ability to be happy? You are in my prayers!

  33. Having faith with you... He says where two or more are gathered... He says the feverant, effective prayers of the righteous availth much. Blogland has way more than two!! And we will be feverant!!

    Oh, Father, please bring our Deena through and draw her and her hubby even closer to you. Give them strength. Hold them to your cheek. Breathe your life into their home. We trust you. We love you. -amen


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~