Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The face of Chemo

This picture was last Wednesday, 2/20/2008

The ones below are today

Day 18 & I still have hair.
It's so thin compared to
three days ago.

I am doing great, feeling good.
Looking forward to Treatment # 2 
this Friday 2/29
Leap Day, Sadie Hawkins Day!!

I took pics of the snow today too.

sharing some knowledge
DO NOT drink well water when going through chemo
DO NOT double dip in your make up, use disposable applicators & get NEW makeup

Joys today

 a new LOVELY snow
digital cameras
God is my comfort
the birds in the snow
being a webmistress
Rich got FIVE CD's by Rich Mullins @ the library for me
 my Mac Book with a built in cameras

please share your joys with us!!

carpe diem


  1. Deena ~ You are beautiful and you will be just as beautiful when all of your hair is gone ~ The joy of the Lord shines brightly in you and nobody can take away that beauty ~ it shows in your eyes, your smile and who you are are ~
    May the Lord bless you abundantly today my sweet precious friend ~
    hugs and prayers,

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  2. The beauty has not left you...nor will it leave you...
    Thin hair or no hair...

    You simply radiate kindness and thoughtfulness.

    I love the twinkle in your eye.

    I am so glad that you are feeling well!

    I did not know about the makeup and chemo. Is that because of the risk of infection?

    Thank you so much for featuring my Chelsea's blog. You should have seen her face! Sheer joy!
    She left you a comment on that post.

    Becky K.

  3. Deena,

    You are so beautiful even with your new hairdo. God shines through in your face and in your soul. Do not worry about the hair loss. It will come back in curly and strong.

    I know how self conscious thinning hair can make a woman. Mine is very thin. I lost a lot of it after my accident.

    Have a blessed day my friend. I love you.

    Love and hugs,

  4. good morning, deena.....i was thinking yesterday how wonderful it has been that you have felt good and done so well after this first chemo treatment.....i pray it continues!


    a good night's rest
    thankful heart
    new day
    quiet morning
    sun is shining
    have a beautiful day, sweet friend!

  5. I couldn't have said it better than Lori @ Katie's Rose Cottage. Jesus does shine through your eyes and is the essence of who you are. I too posted pics of the snow. It is beautiful. I always feel like snow is God's way of cleaning the earth and getting it ready for new birth.

    LeAnn :)

  6. Hugs Deena. It must be difficult losing the hair, but if for every hair, that's going, the more cancer cells are being attacked. wow!
    Joys: call from daughter, going out driving with daughter-in-law, watching teenagers draw beautiful pictures.

  7. Good Morning Deena,
    I am up and feeling better today and did a new post and trying to catch up with everyone again. I didn't even feel like visiting anyone yesterday. Your hair still looks beautiful as well as you do. Don't let the losing of the hair bother you, it will come back again. "PRAISE GOD" you are feeling good and having some good days. Sounds like Rich is treating you like the Queen you are. "PRAISE GOD" again for a wonderful hubby that you have to stand by you during this difficult time. Those kind are one in a kind these days. I am joyous that I am feeling better today. I am joyous that my DH will be home later tonight to spend the night. I am joyous that you are having some good days and feeling good. I am joyous that you have a wonderful hubby by your side. I have been reading your previous post's as well. That Chocolate Candy looks so good. Chelsea does a great job in her Artwork of Chocolate. Your hubby and his brother sure do favor alot. You can tell they are brothers. LOL. I will have to go and see the pictures of the Snow you got. We got just a tad here this past Friday night. It was a wet Snow and didn't really stick, but it did stick a bit on the top of our vehicle. I was going to try and take a picture of it with my Cell Phone, but it was way too dark. I sure will be glad to get my new Camera in. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God continue to Bless You and Yours.

    Love, Hugs, & Prayers,
    Karen H.

  8. Your just as beautiful as ever. The love of God shines from your face and through your writting. Your an Angel. Your a very special person. Your are so blessed in so many ways. Having hair or not doesn't matter,Having you does.
    Love and Prayers

  9. I bet you are going to have the cutest little head! Probably a perfect little one......think about this. Your little bald head has not been exposed since you were in your mommy's arms! WOW. Hair is just a detail anyway. You are so much more than that. I am so thankful you are feeling strong and smiling that big smile of thanksgiving.

  10. You have a gorgeous face and your skin is amazing. You look beautiful and will no matter what the days ahead bring. It is true, only God can comfort at times like this and joy is found in the unexpected. Prayers for you.

  11. You still look lovely! :)
    So glad you are still feeling good...what a big blessing!!

    We also have some new beautiful white snow!

  12. what a wonderful blessing you are sharing your joys...your doubts...your fears.....and your disappointments with us so we can pray with you, rejoice with you, encourage you, and weep with you...
    when your hair finally all leaves you there will be nothing to stand in the way of your true beauty....your eyes will shine bright with no bangs to distract....
    this is the story my hubby tells... and I believe him!!!
    I have you on my prayer board for Friday morning....for the entire day!!!
    Love and Hugs,

  13. You are looking beautiful! My thoughts and prayers are with for your second chemo. Your home looks so lovely in the background.

    Hugs! Nancy

    I'm off to see the snow...

  14. Deena:
    My daughter recovered from her leukemia 6 years ago. Chemo treatment was so difficult and was supposed to have prevented her from having any children. She is now cancer free and just had her second child last year. God is good and faithful. You are most courageous to share your experience and testimony with us. I will pray for you at Mass tomorrow.

    God bless.

  15. There were a few years that I knew your online designs, graphics and art. I found you by happenstance one day. When I needed a lift I would go find "Sweet Annie's" and see what colors or what graphics she had showing me her inner world. Finally one day I felt "urged" to connect with you and to tell you how much I loved the beauty you saw with your eyes...your talent. You had/have a "way" about how you saw things and then put them together so...so fine...so feminine...so innocently...so distinctly you. That photo of "the brothers" couldn't have been more stunning!
    They should cherish it the rest of their lives. You have an eye like no other. I am so grateful for your eyes. I am so glad I got to know the voice/soul behind the eyes. I knew your beauty way before I ever saw your picture. I am grateful for my eyes to have seen what you create. I am grateful for having the sense to finally have called you before we knew of this journey you would be taking. I am grateful for all you did to enable me to put what I "see/saw" into reality on your Primitive Gathering and my picturetrail. You taught me a whole new medium that I would have never ever even tried. You took me flying through web world's as if we were two of those characters in those online games! You are and always will be a rush! Your eyes and your artist's mind are beautiful. Thank you so very much.

  16. Deena, beauty is in the spirit. However, in these photos, all I see, from top to bottom, is one beautiful soul. Love is in the eye and a smile is in the heart. Oh, and say hello to the possum for me. I think his brother visits our backyard. :-)

  17. Hi Deena, hey it's only hair. It'll be back.
    Good luck for Friday.

  18. Your new hair cut is so dang cute, I don't even notice it getting thinner. I am so thankful for the treatments of cancer today that being bald is not even a ....a....
    an ISSUE !! Praise God for all HIS love, kindness, forgivness....for just BEING.
    hugs, bj

  19. Oh, and I meant to ask...how do you fix your hair? I mean, what do you put on it to dry into such a cute fashion? A gel of some sort? What kind? I am ALWAYS so fighting with a hair style and your's is soooo cute.....

  20. Your particular brand of joyfulness gives me joy.
    Love and huge (((hugs)))

  21. Hello. you do radiate love...ditto to all the above. i thank you for taking this walk and letting us in.That is my Joy today you!!

  22. As usual, you look amazing.

    I have a teat for you on my blog. :)

  23. You look quite lovely to me!! That smile....how many times have I said I like your smile!!! I am going to hop over to your other blog.

    my Joys

    children, mine and others
    my computer
    my telephone & talking to my Mom
    ability to read
    impending vacations
    blue birds in my yard

    Love to you,

  24. Hi Deena,
    Glad you are still feeling good. You continue to inspire with your beautiful spirit. It goes without saying you are a beautiful lady. I treasure each & every visit here to know that you are doing okay & to know that God's love shines through you. Love & hugs Deena to continue to have good days while you are fighting the good fight.

  25. I'm loving your attitude. You go girl!

    My joys today:

    my latte this morning with a touch of cinnamon added
    a wonderful salad for lunch
    date night with hubby
    fresh flowers on my desk
    a bit of dark chocolate
    knowing my God loves me


  26. Deena- your post is so precious and your smile so beautiful. Just know that believing you can do something puts you half way there ~

    My joys:
    an upside down soy caramel machiato
    a friend on the phone
    March Victoria magazine

    smiles to you ~

  27. Deena I just agree with everything that has been said! You are an amazing woman,so kind and thoughtful! Good Luck for Friday,you will of course be in our thoughts and our prayers!
    Love from Kathyann and the girls

  28. Deena - You are just as beautiful now as where just a week ago. I agree with the others above - you have a beautiful twinkle in your eye and lovely smile. You are an inspiration. With love - Esther

  29. You look beautiful. I'm sorry that your hair is thinning. This is a sobbering experience, it is very sad. But we have faith in our God and trust that He has a plan for you Deena. I pray you will be in that 20% group! God can do this!

    You look beautiful.

    Love Sharon

  30. Dear Deena,the loss of your hair has not diminished your beauty in my eyes at all. What joy Jan's song must bring to your heart.
    Prayers for you...thank you for your always uplifting, most beautiful blog. xox

  31. Deena, you are just radiant, despite the chemo. You know, this all will pass and you will prove that statistics are not always accurate.

    Special joys: Heat, morning coffee, socks, the birds in our yard, fish tacos.


  32. Deena, My joy today, is that eventhough I don't know you, I can lift you and your concerns to our Heavenly Father, and know that He knows both of us by name. He is a healing God. Have a wonderful day today. xoRachel

  33. Deena
    Your courage and faith will makes it easier for those who do not have any because the can look and listen to you and gather both. Peace dear one and put on "I will survive" record and dance.

  34. Your BEAUTIFUL!
    & I have been reading how many others see "your sparkel in your eyes" just as I do. & I have never met you in person & we all see it & feel it.
    You will always be in my prayers & I thank you for all the inspiration & strength.
    Best Wishes ~
    Joelle XO


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~