Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My New Do & the Pink Group

Here I am , just before leaving to go
to the Friends @ Five.
Nicole did a good job cutting my hair *as always*

We had a speaker on Lymphedema , met 5 ladies
one was only 29. One lady has Lymphedema &
she developed it after radiation.

We got some free mini spa services. I had a hand massage &
a neck and shoulder massage, using Aveda products.

I was there 2 hours ..time went fast.

Rich dropped me off & picked me up, the sweetie.
He pampers me so.

Now we're watching
Some Like it Hot

and checking out the Lunar Eclipse too

I had a joyful day, been sleeping well.

I have a small infected spot on my faux belly button,
I may have to call my oncologist tomorrow AM, it
seems to be getting out of hand FAST. UGH

Sleep tight & pleasant dreams!!

fondly. Deena

I have a Guestbook at the right side
please click & sign it dear friends


  1. Well You Go Girl. This is the bestest hair-do ever! Makes you look younger, perkier and just downright jazzy. Nicole knows how to use those scissors dosen't she? Glad you went to the shindig and had fun and got some pampering. Does a body good. And the eclipse was awesome. Mike went in to get his rifle with the scope on it so he could zoom in and there he was sitting on the front steps with his gun aimed at the man in the moon for all who passed by to wonder if he was "sniping" or what. LOL Not loaded though. He or the gun! Well I hope you get some good sleep and take care of that belly button. Love you, Mollye

  2. Hi Deena,

    Just wanted to say I've been keeping up with your blog - it's been a blessing because your frankness has helped me with my relationship with my good friend Lily. She just had her surgery around New Year's and her 2nd chemo yesterday. Only 13 more weeks to go!

    Thinking of you....

  3. I am loving your new shorter hairdo! It looks great. Don't let that spot on your tummy get worse. I think you need an antibiotic cream or something. You call the doc tomorrow as soon as you can. You hear me?

  4. Oh, Deena, you are so very pretty. Are you having another treatment this week? I will be praying for your healing of your "belly button" and for the lymphedema to go away. God bless you, Deena. You are a truly special person.
    Hugs, Maridon

  5. The new do looks fa-bu-lous on you! Looking fabulous generally and glad to hear you are feeling well and being pampered as you deserve. Make full use. :-D Hugs to you, Deena.

  6. You've sure been on my heart and in my prayers Deena.
    Just the cutest 'doo too!

  7. What a gorgeous hair do Deena. Nicole did a wonderful job.
    How relaxing for you to have the massage - I love a hand/arm/neck massage.
    Good luck with your 'spot'

  8. I'm glad you enjoyed the massage and I'm glad your husband is pampering you! Take care of each other.

  9. The new do is you........ You are a pretty lady in pink....... sounds like you got some pampering at your meeting........ good for you ....... You sure have earned it........ things here have slowed down a bit and I am going to rest tomorrow.........


  10. Love this jazzy short 'do' on you Deena. Hope you get your b button checked - don't let that linger without some antibiotic or something.
    I viewed the eclipse - awesome.
    You are special - you are loved - by so many. Keep your chin up.

  11. Hi Deena,
    I came by to thank you for your prayers for Josie after seeing your comment on my blog. Now I find that you're going through a trial of your own and yet uplifting others in prayer. How wonderful.

    You are a beautiful lady and I will keep you in my prayers. I would like to add you to my blog friends if it's okay with you so I can come here daily.

    Warm hugs for you,

  12. Wow...Nicole really did a great cut for you. Wish she could be here to do mine. Really cute!

    Hope you get some fast relief for that infected spot.

    Sweet dreams!

  13. You look absolutely fabulous! You rock!

  14. Hi Deena, you look really great in your new hairdo! Hope the spot is treated soon.

    Thank you for always taking the time to drop in.

  15. I love your hairdo, you look darling. Your spa treaments time sound wonderful, papmpering feels so good.
    Wasn't the eclipse awsesome.
    I took lots of pictures. Hugs and blessings to you, Linda

  16. you be sure and have that belly button looked at ASAP... you don't want a big bad infection to slow down your Chemo treatments again...
    your hair looks adorable...and I am so glad you had a pleasant evening with your spa group...

  17. Hi again Deena, I have given you an award. Check out my blog.

  18. I love your new cut! Your daughter does good work!

    Hope you get the infection under control fast so you can continue your healing process.

    Gentle hugs,

  19. aahh look at you! you look darling! so pretty!
    sounds like a fun night. you deserve to be pampered! and i love aveda! yummy smells.
    tale care!

  20. We stood shivering staring at the beautiful sight of our earth's shadow passing in front of the moon. It was delightful!

    Glad you got to enjoy it too.

    Your hair looks great!

    Please do call about that infection...

    And then, if you have a chance pop over to Hospitality Lane and enter my 200th post giveaway...

    Chelsea was so tickled that you put her on your sidebar...that was super sweet of you!

    Blessings on your day!

    Becky K.

  21. Love,love,love the haircut! Fabulous!

    Glad you enjoyed the day!

    Blessed Be.

  22. Cute, cute are forever in my heart and in my prayers. That is just the cutest doo I've seen lately!!
    Sure hope you don't have an infection on the belly button but, if so, there's such great meds for it. Take care with it......
    extra hugs for such a cutie
    and thank you for letting me display your pink warrior ribbon... you know, I have become so aware of all the products that donate to the "pink ribbon" march..I was just cleaning a mirror and noticed the ribbon on the cleaner...SPRAYWAY. FABULOUS!!

  23. The new look is fabulous dah-ling! She did a great job! Well, it sounds like a good time was had by all. I echo the others..make sure to get the spot check out! Toodles...Angie

  24. May I borrow your stylist? You look great with the new hair cut, but then again, I think you'd look great in any style you chose.
    Glad you had a good time at Friends @ Five. Support like that is so important.
    Blessings to you my friend.

  25. Deena
    You look lovely as ever. Prince and I enjoyed the Lunar Eclipse also.
    It is wonderful to hear you have been sleeping well.
    Please check on the belly button.

  26. Loving the new hair do Deena!So glad to hear you manage to some sleep! Make sure you get your spot checked out!Love and Blessings to you all ,from Kathyann and the girls

  27. hello!! Love the new do!! We watched the eclipse too!!

  28. I just love your new haircut ~ you look just beautiful:o) Enjoy all the pampering you can get, you deserve it!!

  29. Deena, you look stunning as usual...I'm glad you had a good time with the pink girls. Have a blessed day.

    LeAnn :)

  30. deena....looking amazing...hoping you have restful and blessed day,

    we had sad news about jamie and mattie...heavy hearts right now, but she is another amazing young lady.
    loving thoughts and prayers,

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Deena,

    Did you see the eclipse? I didn't have a chance to get out and see it. The sky was a bit overcast and I was tired. I would have liked to though. I love the night sky.

    Please get that infection looked after.

    I'm glad you had such a nice day. The massage sounds wonderful. Yes, Rich is pampering you. That's great. You deserve it.

    Hope you have a good day today. Thinking of you always.

    Blessings and love,

  33. Deena, I love your new hair cut. I wish my own hair was thick and coarse enough to wear it in the way your's is styled.

    I pray that the spot on your belly button is nothing serious.

    I posted earlier than usual. I hope you get a chance to visit.

  34. I love the new do! And you are beautiful. You look like such a happy, joyful person!

  35. What a lovely day you had. The friends at 5 sounds like a wonderful idea! It probably gives you strength to talk to women in similar situations. Nice gifts too!

    The moon was fabo, sadly though my camera didn't take good pix either (like you...whah!) Anyway, it was a wonderful gift from God to see that.

    Hope your tummy is fine.

    Hugs, Shar

  36. Hi Deena,
    I thought our prayers for you were to keep you well not to make you gorgeous ;) your hair looks beautiful i love it...massage is great for relaxing and boosting the body,i massaged my mother from head to toe with rose oil finished with a cup of green tea (antioxidant city packed inside every cup) every time we came home from chemo...she had ovarian cancer and we were told it was not a good outlook,but we fought so hard together never giving up and that was 7 years ago and she is happily well and enjoying every minute.
    Never give up Deena you will have hard days when you will be so tired but remember what your sweet hubby said to you 'you have to beat this' and fight fight fight.
    Love and hugs Kristina XxX

  37. Hi Deena, Thinkig of you as usual and hoping your having a wonderful day. YOu are in my heart and in my thoughts. Love you, Connie


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