keep planting and self seeding every year
I can't get into my email.
I don't know what happened .
My FaceBook isn't letting me in again, I have so much problems with
Am I the only person who can't do anything right??
Yahoo is my main email ..all my email
rosegardener55@yahoo.com , deena @deenwarner.com
sweetannee@deenawarner.com all go to the same yahoo email box.
and have the same password.
I have had this email since I started using the internet
I don't know how to contact Yahoo.
I pay for the @deenwarner.com and feel
they should help me.
I am sick with this med "Tykerb"
and can't go far from the bathroom. UGH
It's so hot here and buggy.
I still haven't got out to garden.
Something has broken TWO hummingbird feeders.
It's so buggy out I can't feed the birds. I have a huge
bite , all red and swollen on my fore head . I look like Egore.
I go for an Echocardiogram tomorrow. My heart doctor doesn't like
how Tykerb effects my heart.
I'll post when I can. Who knows what I'll lose control of next.
It's hot today.