Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh My, 4th of JULY

keep planting and self seeding every year

I can't get into my email.
I don't know what happened .

My FaceBook isn't letting me in again, I have so much problems with

Am I the only person who can't do anything right??
Yahoo is my main email ..all my email , deena all go to the same yahoo email box.
and have the same password.

I have had this email since I started using the internet

I don't know how to contact Yahoo.
I pay for the and feel
they should help me.

I am sick with this med "Tykerb"
and can't go far from the bathroom. UGH

It's so hot here and buggy.
I still haven't got out to garden.
Something has broken TWO hummingbird feeders.

It's so buggy out I can't feed the birds. I have a huge
bite , all red and swollen on my fore head . I look like Egore.

I go for an Echocardiogram tomorrow. My heart doctor doesn't like
how Tykerb effects my heart.

I'll post when I can. Who knows what I'll lose control of next.
It's hot today.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Latest Health News

My MRI from last week is the same, the tumors are the same size. No smaller, no larger, no new ones. I will have another MRI in September. For now it's so so news. I will continue this Tykerb medicine, but I am going to say "no more" at the end of this 30 days dose.

I got a new washer and dryer. We needed it badly. We had to get sprayed as we had
"carpenter ants". What else can go bad? Should I ask??

I made some suet for the woodpeckers this AM. They have babes to feed
& they love my suet.

Recipe: 1 cup lard, 1 cup chunky peanut butter, melt in pan , stir in 1cup flour and 3 cups corn meal. Put in aluminum lined pan, freeze, then cut into suet size chunks and fill suet feeders.

I have pix of my hollyhocks, but my yard is unattended.
I am sorry I haven't my usual garden.

For now just , enjoy music
take walks, and love your family and friends

Saturday, June 11, 2011

MRI Monday

Scar from the lymph nodes removed, still hurts today
done on 12/21/07

Me and Hubby Hunk before chemo

Before Whole Brain Radiation, still with that
healthy glow

I have an MRI scheduled for EARLY Monday AM.
I am anxious for the results , which I don't know
when I'll get.

I am on Tykerb for another month.
I sure hope it is destroying those tumors.

My hollyhocks are blooming, Spring just snuck by us.