Thursday, December 11, 2008

A little more Pink

I have a bit more pink on my tree
isn't it lovely??? The Pink..the tree frankly needs work

I did go to the Cardiologist. Had a couple of tests.. heart seems to be
functioning just fine.  I will do again for an echo at the end of February and
then back to the cardiologist in early March.

Sorry I've not been posting..I just don't have much energy and still ill most days....I am sure
that will go away eventually.  My lil ole bod had been through alot.

I continue to appreciate each friend's comment..even if I can't get around to visit.
It's almost 11 AM and I need to rest.. us your pink and get signed up



  1. I was wondering if that place called Michael's ships? There must be some online sources for tinsel! Being very rural I depend mostly on online sources. Never being fond of tinsel myself...I've used ribbons as bows on the ends of branches...and I've used slim trims of fabric (sprinkle your glitter on them) tied and dripping off branches. Then there's simple post cards or cut outs from old cards attached with pink ribbons. I have a whole spool of the chocolate grograin with pink dots on it that I wrapped your pink present in. I'll ship it along with your X-mas present. But now you'll have to wait a couple more days for that to get wrapped and shipped! I like your tree just as she is...but it's your tree and creativity! Be well soon. n/Church

  2. Take care of yourself, rest and feel better. Your tree is lovely as it is.

  3. Dear Deena:

    I know you don't know me, but I'd like to send you something, if I could, for your pink tree. Could you email me? (


    PS: I promise I'm not an internet weirdo.

  4. Just stopping by to let you know that I'm still thinking about you. Love your tree. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Love ya

  5. Hi Deena, another reminder that our Creator is full of wonderful surprises: It was snowing here in LOUISIANA this morning. We haven't had snow in 7 years, and never in December that I can remember in my 52 years. Have a glorious day, friend, we'll continue to stop by to check on you.

  6. Your pink tree is beautiful. It is extra special knowing the loving touches that you put on it.
    Take care of yourself, you deserve a nice rest, among all the beauty that exists all around you.

  7. Hi Deena,
    So glad to here from you. Don't worry about coming to visit, we'll just keep checking on you. I love the pink, but just couldn't change all the christmas colors I've collected. I'll be visiting everyone's pink Christmas.
    Merry Christmas and rest up,

  8. I am so darn happy that all your test are coming back great, after all you have been healed, and when God heals you from one thing he heals you of all sicknesses. your adorable pink tree is perfect, just as is, just like you!! I'm praying that you'll start feeling better soon. I love you dear friend.

  9. Your pinks are wonderful ! and you rest and get that strength back,,,, we are always here............

    Love ya !

  10. Lovely!! I recongize that shoe!! I love her shoes!! i do hope you had a wonderful is almost here and you must be all rested up for that!!!

  11. Rest sweet friend. We'll be right here when you get back.


  12. Your tree is very sweet!
    Good news to hear your results have come through well, take care of yourself :)

  13. Good Morning Deena, hope today is a better day for you. We got 2 inches of snow in South Louisiana. My pics didn't come out too good and I couldn't stay out after Al left for work because of the ededuram. It snowed in New Orleans on Christmas Day in 2004. Will have to hunt for pictures of that. Love your tree. Will be taking pics soon for my blog. Can't wait to see everyones. Prayers, love, and hugs, Pat

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Well, let's try this again!
    Good morning Deena.
    Your tree is lovely! I returned from travel last night and to my dismay, my DH had forgotten to mail your package. I will mail out on Saturday. Please accept my apology for the delay.

    Hope you are feeling better and rested. Have a great and safe weekend.
    Hugs, Sharon

  16. so happy for good reports, dear deena.....and hoping you are feeling better your of my very favorite of all colors! :)
    blessings dear friend,

  17. Hi Deena! I just love your pink tree!!Isn't it funny how certain colors can just bring us sooo much joy?!?!

    Can't wait for the Christmas Delights party!!

    Rest up & I will visit you again soon.

    Love you,
    Angelic Accents

  18. I'm so glad I found your beautiful blog. Please feel better & enjoy the Christmas Season! Your blog is so lovely~I'll be back for sure! :) Chris

  19. Hang in there are on the downhill side and try to gain your strength...
    we love you, and you are still very much in our prayers!!

  20. Pls don't feel you must visit my blog. Just wanted to leave a note to let you know I'm thinking about you. I hope you're feeling better each day. Get some rest. Your tree is already perfect.

  21. Infnite love to you, for you, and with you, dearest Deena....

    Surrounding, filling, guiding you...

    *light* to you and those you love and are loved by through the holidays and always....

    Loving Annie

  22. Cute tree is very sweet like you!
    Hope you keep feeling better and may you continue to heal and be blessed!

  23. Deena Love the slipper/shoe on the tree. Love your blog. Take care.


  24. Deena, keep getting stronger. There's a Christmas card for you on my blog.

  25. Hello glad your going to give it a shot. No reason you should be singled out. Your a true fighter. Dont forget there will be another pink contest too on Jan 3rd that I am very sure you will have no proble entering also.

    Anxious to see your entry.


  26. Deena, I hope you are feeling stronger today.
    Yes darling your body sure has been through so much. You need to rest when you can.
    I really like your pink decorations, yes they are very lovely!
    Whenever I see pink I think of my Daughter Nikki (she wore a pink helmet to protect her from her seizures).. and I think of you dear sweet pink lady.
    Hugs & much love! ~Mary~

  27. Deena, prayers are continuing to be said for you. Your my inspiration as I wait to see if I have to have chemo or go straight to radiation.


  28. Hi, I found your blog from BooMama's. Your tree looks beautiful. Never thought pink and green would look so good together. You are in my prayers. sonya

  29. Thinking about you so much lately, I read your post just now, where you got prayed for, annointed and all that, it is sooooo awesome! I love to hear about things like that, I have been praying for you and knowing you are to be alive and well and telling your amazing story to anyone who will listen!

    Bless you Deena, love you!
    Donna Lynn

  30. Just came by during this manic season to say Merry Christmas and that you're in my thoughts even when I'm not over here saying it.
    I hope your Christmas is filled with people you love, joy and strength!


  31. I love the pink bulbs. I think they are beautiful (on so many levels.)

  32. I got so inspired by your pink tree, I decorated my blog in pink in honor of you!

    Blessings to you!

  33. Dearest Deena....I hope and pray with each passing day that you feel stronger and healthier. Your pink ornaments are beautiful!

    Take care, my friend


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~