I just wanted to share TWO milestones with you.
My Oncology Radiologist, Dr. Z released me
today. I don't have to see him again unless my
Oncologist , Dr Diane Prager sends me back to him.
Tomorrow is my last Zometa IV too. I have been
getting it for a whole year(a bone hardener, as I had cancer in my bones)
From here..I'll be doing a follow up with my Cardiologist , Dr McRea
in March..due to the drop in my heart function, but remember , I'm not
in danger.
I see Dr Prager and get a Pet/CT scan and Brain MRI every three
months . WOW
My hair is continuing to peek out..after a year of being bald, between chemo
and Brain Radiation, I will be SO glad to have hair.. Tis COLD in
the winter for sure!!
I feel better, eating a bit more, driving and I have Christmas decor down
and packed away!!
Starbucks tastes good again
March will bring some warm days
Friends to love
What are your joys??