Today I saw a Neurologist , recommended by the ER staff when I had my
The doctors decided it was a seizure caused by two old brain
lesions that are just hanging around. They have been treated with
Gamma Knife & Whole Brain Radiation and have not gone away.
They are not growing or shrinking , just staying around in my brain.
They have become a focal point and are ripe to cause seizures.
I am on anti seizure meds..Keppra ..was 1000 mg 2 Xs a day
dropping to 750 mg 2 Xs a day for a week , then to 500mg 2Xs a day.
I go for an EEG on May 5th...then see my Dr Xu in July.
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors (electrodes
) are attached to your head and hooked by wires to a computer. The computer records your brain's electrical activity on the screen or on paper as wavy lines. Certain conditions, such as seizures, can be seen by the changes in the normal pattern of the brain's electrical activity.
I can't drive for sure
until my next visit ..3 months and then he'll re-evaluate me and let me know
if I can drive again.
Friday I get my PET/CT scan results..I'm expecting a good report. For now
the brain seems to be the issue.
Just another saga in my journey, I feel sure I will be fighting this from now on. I'll have another MRI in 8 weeks..and if things look the same ..we'll go back to every 3 months.
For now, I'll be bumming rides whenever I need to go somewhere.
Not fun, but safe!!
Awww Deena, If I lived close to you I'd chauffeur you around for sure. I hope the anti-seizure meds work for you...I am so sorry. Hopefully you won't have any more episodes...
Take care and we will all pray for the best, no seizures.
ReplyDeleteGoodness--with all you've been through, I imagine your halo is pretty bright! You are an angel, you know, and God loves you so much, Deena! Have a good rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteI'd give you a lift Deena if I lived nearer too!
ReplyDeleteOh how I wish I did! ~ Keep walkin in faith!
We'll keep praying seizures away.
Love ya.... like a field full of hollyhocks.
You're an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update...I'll be praying for you, sweet friend!
Michelle :)
You're a joy and inspiration, Deena. I know you're going to do fine. You have a beautiful attitude. Sleep well, love, Diane
ReplyDeleteO' Deena,
ReplyDeleteI havent by in so long and I'm sorry, but that dosent meen I dont think about you. Just keep praying and believing! My daddy died Easter Sunday, in 5 months I've had 2 very men in my life leave, my head feels like it's in a tornado...just keeps whirling around and around.
XoXoXoXo~ Annette
I'm so glad for the update - been thinking about you so often. I know the Lord still has His hand on you and will watch over you in everything.
ReplyDeleteThere's a Praise song that we learned in choir. The music is beautiful - and I'll copy the words for you here:
"I will sing praise, I will lift my voice.
I will sing praise, I've made my choice.
I will sing praise in all I do,
I will sing praise to You.
No matter the storms that come my way,
No matter the trials I may face
You promised that You would see me through.
So I will trust in You."
Deena, you've been through so much and I think it's past time that you were given a break! God, please hold this strong, brave woman in the palm of Your hand and give her peace.
ReplyDeleteBless you, Deena, and blessings to you.
Thinking of you always... keep us posted... we all love you dearly...
Deena have been thinking of you and dropped in to see that so much is going on. Life does seem to throw us lemons. Then I came across one of my old figurines and pulled it out from the dust and looked at it. It's a darling statue of a little girl at a lemonade stand. No business coming her way but on the stand (which she does not see) are two children angels. One pouring sugar in her pitcher of lemonade and the other taking a glass with puckered lips. But what was in the box was a short story on the figurine by Bill Stross. When Life give you Lemons.
ReplyDeleteSomtimes our plans work out, sometimes they don't. I have wanted things in my life so desperately that in my shortsightedness I've forgotten there is a plan greater than my own. Life is far different than I had planned, but if It hadn't been for a few lemons I would have missed out on some of the greatest blessings in my life. Life can seem full of lemons, but sometimes it is hard to beat an ice cold glass of lemonade.
You have had a lot of lemons given to you Deena and for that I am greatly sorry. But to all your angel wings out there you are our cold glass of lemonade. A honor to know you through this blog. You give us our zest for life. God bless you and I will still pray to St. Perigrine for you. Hugs from one of your followers who still see's hope in everything and everyone around me. Paulette
I think you had a birthday yesterday and I missed it. Happy Birthday to you Deena and may you have many more. You are in my prayers for continued recovery. Love Ya
ReplyDeletePrayers going up for you Deena - you inspire me more than I can ever express.
ReplyDeletewishing you a smile and a non ending glass of happy today and always. If I was near I would take yawl where ever. Peace
ReplyDeleteWish I lived near...I would love to take you anywhere your little heart desired! You are precious in His sight and mine!
ReplyDeleteMy son recently started having grand Mal seizures at 16 years old. We were prescribed Kepler. We decided NOT to take the medicine and go with a Modified Atkins Diet that entails feeding our son 15 carbs a day with lots of healthy fat. He eats a lot of grass fed beef, free range eggs, organic low crab veggies and is doing fantastic! We could tell a difference in him by the 3rd day. This is not alternative or junk science. Dr. Lewis hill at Johns Hopkins has been championing this diet for years and has been really successful. Doctors are really resistant to this therapy but it works!. Read "Grain Brain" for why it works. He also takes taurine which helped stop the night time teeth grinding, jerking, and unrest in his sleep (also known to stop seizures). And he takes cur cumin as a brain protestant that raises seizures.one day came across Albert post thanking Dr Lewis hill for curing his son seizure problem, and i got the contact of Dr Lewis hill i quickly contacted him then he made me to know that the medication is 100% permanent cure, and that was how i got the medicine which i used for my son, after which i took my son for medical test It worked! Over a year now, my son have not show any symptoms of seizure and I believe my son is cure if you need his help email him on drlewishill247@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say a huge thank you to Dr Williams for everything he have done in my life. I have been in tears for so many years now, having found that my only son is suffering from seizure, lesion after some years of being under extreme stress., . I spent 24 hours freaking out and finally calmed down after reading some testimony on here about Dr Williams herbal medicine to seizure. The moment came and I mumbled out to my husband about Dr Williams product (with a few tears) and he was AMAZE – . He was just worried about our son been free from this disorder that was how will order for Dr Williams product on line , after my son finish taking Dr Williams medicine for just within a period of one month. Will went to the doc together who confirmed that he was seizure free.
ReplyDeleteThank you again for being upfront, truthful and taking this pain away from my family for more information about his product you can email him on drwilliams098675@gmail.com i hope you can also help other terrified people in a similar situation.
Thanks to Dr Williams I am so happy today, my wife have been suffering from epilepsy for so many years now, and i have spent a lot on western drugs which has all proved abortive, i have tried all means in life to get my wife out of this , but there was no answer until i decided to try herbal solution and i found Dr Williams online and i contacted him and after she took his medication as instructed, my wife is now completely cure from epilepsy within one month of usage, i am so much happy, thanks to Dr Williams for helping me get my wife life back again without any form of crisis, i promise to tell your name and good deeds to the whole world,if you have someone with epilepsy you can email him on drwilliams098675@gmail.com for more information .