Friday, January 14, 2011


Me at five years old.

I had another seizure last night. It was not a bit fun.
I just went to bed, not to the ER. Rich
put me to bed.
I am tired of not being able to function.

Rich and I are supposed to go to Memphis
the first weekend of February. I hope I
can do it. I'm looking forward to the trip.
Bus trip for Blues , Thurs. to Sunday.


  1. Look at your sweet face!
    Deena, just stopping in to let you know
    I am thinking of you and will send a prayer
    up to Heaven for you.

    God Bless you - always,

  2. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers Deena, I know how health issues can be so discouraging. Our minds and hearts want to one thing, and our bodies beg to differ. I strongly believe in the power of prayer though, and believe you'll be in Memphis next month. You've beaten so much, I know you'll beat this too. God didn't bring you this far to let you down now!

  3. Keeping you in my prayers. I know how difficult long-term illnesses can be -- my son has been dealing with serious health issures for 20 years and continues to do so. It has given him insight and endurance that only such trials can do. I'm sure your battles are shaping your life in a very special way and there will be a special reward for you in the future. Blessings, Ann

  4. What an adorable little girl, and you're just as pretty now. So sorry to hear about your seizure, and I pray too that you'll be well enough for your trip next month. Lots of love to you and Rich, Zoë xxx

  5. Dear Deena.... What a sweet 5 year old you were and very cute. The sweetness has remained and you're now a beauty! Sorry you've had another seizure and glad that your dear husband put you to bed.

    Get lots of rest and feel better soon. Sure hope you can go to Memphis next month. You're in my thoughts and prayers, as always.

    Love & hugs, Karen

  6. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. We have lots of snow here, too. I guess it's all over the country. But soon Spring will be here - and we can enjoy the beautiful outdoors again! Hugs to you.

  7. It can take a long time for the doctors to get the correct mix of anticonvulsants just right - I hope and pray they soon manage to do so for you... Everybody's epilepsy is different and it can be very complicated for the doctors. The side effects of the drugs can make you very poorly and tired in the initial stages. I know how awful it must be for you now, so my prayers are that you will soon get the treatment that is right for you, Lots of love and prayers, Andrina

  8. I hope you make it to Memphis. You will love it. There is so much to see. Memphis and Blues just go together. We're having some very cold weather now, hope it warms up a little for you. I live across the river in Arkansas about 70 miles. I pray you feel better soon.

  9. Praying for you Deena.. praying that you can take that trip with no problems... Hold on to hope girl... it is powerful and it feeds faith.. Faith is the substance of things hoped for....... I HOPE you are completely healed I HOPE you are seizure free I HOPE HE meets you right where you are at and I HOPE HE touches your life with total healing......

  10. Keeping you in my prayers Deena. I hope you can make your trip to Memphis because I know how much you enjoyed Italy and Ireland.
    Gentle Hugs:)

  11. Deena - I'm so sorry that you are having such a tough time right now - you are always in my prayers - and hoping that you get to go on your trip. Love Ya

  12. We're all praying, Deena. Keep looking forward to the good time you're going to have with that wonderful guy of yours. Those seizures have to be so frustrating and tiring. We love you. You're just as cute today as when you were that little girl. Diane

  13. so sorry, dear deena....i pray they will be able to get a handle on these seizures soon.....i know you are weary.....we continue to love and think of you!!!

  14. You're in my prayer journal every day. I will pray specifically that you WILL get to go on your trip. It sounds like fun and just what you need.


  15. I am so praying for you Deena - you are a beautiful gem!!!! God bless you with lots of good days, and a great trip in Feb.!!!!

    Huge hugs from Michigan - Diane

  16. Pretty then ~ pretty now!
    Sure hope you can make your trip in Feb....

  17. Deena,

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. I had Stage III Melanoma last year, and your blog gave me so much hope. You will get to take your trip - you totally deservee this. With kind regards,


  18. Love the photo--hang in there, Deena--so many people are praying for you--hope you feel better!

  19. Deena, sweetie, I am praying for you....I just know that you will healthy and strong for this trip!!!! You need to go so you can tell me all about it!!!
    Margaret B

  20. Hi, Deena,
    It's been so long since i've "talked" to you and I am so sorry.
    Last year was a medical horror for me and I wasn't very sociable with anyone, but I did think of you often and still do.
    I'm so, so sorry that you're having health issues and I'm upping you on my prayer list.

    I hope for you a peaceful night's sleep and that your health recovers.

    warmly, jan

  21. Hi Deena.
    Hope you are feeling better soon!
    Please email me at for some places and info on Memphis. We live just north of Memphis in Bartlett. There are some places to eat that would be a BIG disappointment on your visit! Wishing you a wonderful Monday.

  22. Take care, dear Deena. I will continue praying for you. I do hope you can go on the trip too.

  23. Deena, I'm so sorry to hear you had another seizure. I'll be praying for you. Sending you cyber hugs,


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