Sunday, March 2, 2008

CELEBRATE my 201 Post

I just love to have Gift Aways
so , since I passed my 200th post
& it's March, let's do it!!

I will be choosing a winner on Friday
March 7th.
Just leave a comment on my blog about what
signs of Spring you've seen at your home sweet home.
Tell your friends too.
These sweet fuzzy ducks are just waiting to
fly to your home.
If anyone can tell me a difference they see in my blog today, I have another lil gift
for the first correct answer.

I saw THREE American Robins in the front yard today
& one lil tulip sticking it's greenery out of the ground!!
I have the windows open & the attic fan on, ahhh fresh
Singing Woods air.  A JOY for today

Praise God for signs of new life.

Share your joys with us.

Please sign my Guest Book to the right also.
Tis a joy for me to read.
lovingly, Deena


  1. Hi Deena,

    I think you've changed the header on your blog as I don't remember seeing the bird on there before now. Also, the background color looks different. It's all very pretty.

    As far as signs of Spring. First of all it is 71 degrees here today, and we saw a squirrel today. We haven't seen any squirrels around all winter. Don't know where they have been hiding, but one reared it's head today.

    Hope you are having a good day and that your week will be a great one.

  2. The daffodils are blooming here in the Carolinas- the goldfinches are filling the tube thistle feeders- and the home improvement stores are full of people buying pots, soil, and paint! Joy to you in this season of changes...

  3. Betty you're background is different
    If you send me your mailing info ..I'll send you a little
    and your in for the ducks too
    smiles, Deena

  4. Hey girl.... what a fun give away.. March 7th is my B-Day..... YEAH...... I think I will be in the city getting my second shot in the old back....yeah..... anyway.. Love the comment on my blog..... and Yes I think that you need to hang around and go in the "air" with the rest of us........ for sure........... YEAH!!!!!! I just love love the color of your blog..... the new background is great..... I love the color where in the world do you find such treasures..........

    love ya

  5. Hi Deena no signs of Spring for me here in Australia. On 1st March it was Autumn/Fall. Beautiful leaves. Posted some pretty pics of fall on my blog.

  6. Signs of Spring? We are now able to move about the house comfortably without the heat on...horray for that!...more birdies on our back fence looking in at the kitties too.
    Happy 201th POST dear Deena.

  7. well, it was almost 80 degrees in Georgia today, so it sure felt like spring! :) i love spring so much. can't wait for all the flowers to be in full bloom.

    You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, sweet deena! Hope you had a great weekend!

  8. happy day, deena.....spring has sprung in az....83 degrees....birds singing, roses blooming, trees full of blossoms...lowes and home depot busier than ever with lovely flowers and people galore...sitting on the porch...doors on and a breeze blowing the windchimes!

    so glad you are seeing a little bit of spring yourself! know you have been waiting!

  9. I love your new background. Very pretty!

    Oh, those little duckies are adorable.

    We're in Florida so It's seemed like Spring for quite some time now. Beautiful days, birds everywhere and our grass is green. Trees are budding.

    Hugs sweet friend!

  10. Just found your blog! Happy 200th post. I started a blog back in January. It is so much fun! We are having signs of spring here is Dallas. The daffodils, the bradburns, and azeala bushes are starting to bloom. Typical Texas weather...75 yesterday....possible snow flurries Tuesday!
    Be back to visit soon.

  11. Hi Sweetpea, there are NO signs of spring here in snowy michigan just yet!
    We are hopeing she arrives soon though!

    I love your background, the colors are warm and welcoming and I love the chicken wire with the floral!
    Shabby yet chic!

    I am glad to see you are feelin just ducky! :-)

    Hugz, Dolly

  12. the azaleas are in full bloom and most of all the flowering bushes are blooming...the birds are singing...God is in His Heavens and all is right with the world...
    I love the new background on your pretty blog...
    you are so clever and talented...
    Congratulations on your 200 posts!!

  13. Hi sweetie!! I would love to be entered into your giveaway!!! Congratulations dear Deena on many wonderful posts of love and inpiration ~ I wish you many, many more ~ xxoo, Dawn

  14. Hi Deena,

    Still Cold here in Michigan, but I could hear the birds in the tree & there are puddles all around from the Snow Melting.... we had 4 inches on friday, but it at least is M E L T I N G ~ My Eyes are open wide for the Robins....
    Wishing you Sunshine & Smiles

  15. I found your blog via 'neenasnest'- who is the mom of a dear friend. I love your new design of the picture with your name and "God is faithful" pic. i think they are new.
    I would LOVE to be entered into your drawing. i had fuzzy chickies when I was a little girl!
    Today I saw many trees with purple blooms (you will have to forgive me for I did not inherit my Mom's green thumb). The wind was blowing and it reminded me of the pictures in books with a big fluffy cloud with puffy cheeks with air coming out! I also heard birds singing this morning before church as we were watching squirrels "getting to know each other" :O)
    Have a blessed filled HEALTHY day!

  16. The daffodils are blooming their pretty little heads off here in Virginia! A lot of my little birdie friends are back busily preparing nests for their new little arrivals. Ah, I LOVE SPRING!

  17. We are almost done with spring here in Arizona and headed for Summer! Wildflowers are blooming in the desert and the tumbleweeds are rollin....

  18. Happy 201st!!!!! woohoo! yippeee!
    the first sign of spring actually happened today, the first was 55 degrees and the kids did not have to wear hats and gloves when we went out! It is almost hard to believe.....


    the ducks are darling!!!

  19. Clouds in our lives are often sent to bring showers of Blessings...
    Love you,
    Blair Creek Sherry

  20. Well, I tried to leave a comment, but I don't think it worked.

    I have lurked here before, but your "chick" giveaway has me coming out from hiding. They are just adorable.

    I live in the south and today saw trees blooming - beautiful white blooms- and also noticed that the two small bushes at the end of our walkway now have green leaves coming from the yellow blooms. Beautiful signs of spring, yet our forcast calls for rain and cooler weather for tomorrow. Fortunately, it is supposed to warm back up by the end of the week. And God just blessed us with a beautiful, warm weekend.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. You are a beautiful, strong woman and God is with you and will never leave your side.

    Robin (Southern Bella)
    (New blogger - have the blog, but still have not started posting - hopefully I will start soon LOL)

  21. hope your day was restful, deena and that you had many joys! sweet dreams...
    loving prayers,

  22. Deena: Spring has arrived in the central valley of California where I live. I drove to the little town of Manteca today to go to their annual quilt show. It's approximately 15 miles from my home down a country highway. The entire trip was lined by acres and acres of almond trees standing at attention proudly showing off their beautiful white blossoms. It's truly breathtaking every year. After that I drove over to Livermore, California. Beautiful rolling green hills swathed in yellow blooming mustard wildflowers with patches of orange California poppies. It was spectacular.

    Thanks for stopping by and wishing Sweety a Happy Birthday.


  23. Hi Dear Deena,

    I heard the chirping of birds in our tree in the front yard very early this morning. I was sitting quietly with a nice warm cup of coffee and I could not believe my ears. I was so happy. Finally, the promise of Spring. We are suppose to be in the 50's tomorrow which is a heat wave for us here in Western New York. :-)

    Still praying. Hugs to you.


  24. Still a bunch of yucky snow here in North Idaho, but there are promises of Spring! Checking in to give you some lovies - lovies!

  25. Hi Deena,

    I came home from a weekend getaway to find daffodils blooming in my backyard and my plum tree covered in pink blooms. They are so beautiful ~ my husband and I just stood in the middle of the backyard and took in the springtime sites!


  26. Hey lady, I have wood siding on my house and every year I fill holes and every year, especially in this one spot (that coincides with our clothes closet), a family of birds moves in and hatches out little ones. It is so cool to hear them moving around and tweeting in there. Although I think it is early for baby birds, I swear I am hearing some cheeping! I'm sorry I haven't had time to add to my blog, but I always check on you!BTW what do you think of the Wicked Witch so far? I am still not sure what I really thought about it, but did enjoy the read.
    Happy Birding! (so so glad to see your chemo went well!)

  27. Hey Deena! I saw my daughters' shiny white legs in shorts this afternoon, outside in the yard! The first exposure to the sun's rays and the glare was near blinding! LOL

    I found an abandoned bird's nest in vines that we were taking off of a fence yesterday. I've placed it in a crystal dish in my dining room as a reminder of Spring's Past, and I bought bird feeders today to watch the birdies of Spring Present! And God willing, I will be around, collecting bird's nests and bird feeders in Spring's Tomorrows!

    Be blessed!

  28. what a sweet giveaway!! But i will not win this as we had more snow today!!!!!!!!!!!! roads icy no travel advised!! it is cold and I do not see ground!! But I have a great Joy today as our neice delivered her 2nd girl!!A cutie!!
    Hope You had a great day!!
    It seems like maybe some new Girls on the side I love vintage pics!!

  29. OOHh dear me I went and forgot to Congrats ya on your 2001st post!!!!!!!!

  30. We have 6 inches of snow today and yesterday was 72. I am ready for spring. My crocus leaves are starting to spring up. No flowers yet but I'm looking. :)

  31. In Southern California all the wild flowers on the freeways are popping up. Lots of wild sunflowers, blue/purple lupin, and some poppies. When it gets warmer everything will dry up. It's so beautiful to see right now. :)

  32. Good Morning Deena,
    I noticed the bird on your header as well. It is beautiful. The signs of Spring here was over the weekend. We had Spring like temperatures and it made it up to 73 degrees here yesterday. As I was sitting at my computer desk yesterday morning, I could hear the birds singing out my front door. that was such a sweet, sweet sound. Our weather today is for rain and possible severe storms and then maybe a light dusting of Snow tomorrow. But I really did enjoy the very nice Spring like weekend. "CONGRATULATION'S" on your 201st post. The little ducks are just so cute. Please put my name in for your Gift Away. My Joys yesterday was the nice weather, being able to sit outside and visit our neighbors, and you being my Friend. You are always such a joy to me. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love, Hugs, & Prayers,
    Karen H.

  33. Hi Deena,
    Congratulations on your 201st post!!!
    LOL I can't enter your giveaway as we don't have Spring approaching in my part of the world - but I am enjoying reading about everyone else's signs of spring!!!

  34. Hi Deena! congrats on your 201 post! Can't enter the Spring give away thing cos after all here we never have winter :) But the change in your blog--in the header, near the blue birdie, you now have 'Deena's story' written. Don't worry about sending a give-away cos I live just too far away. But would like to know if I'm right.

  35. My sign of spring is a bit stinky...the farmer spread manure on the field across the street.
    Cute - huh?

    I like the new background very much.

    Thanks for the entry in your gift away.

    Have a super blessed day, Deena!
    Becky K.

  36. Deena, love the new color. Wish I wouldn't have been out of town.

    I have lots of signs of spring here. My Carolina Jessmine is blooming the aroma is wonderful. Mock orange bush is blooming and my Confederate Jasmine is loaded with blooms. Fresh cut grass smell is in the air and everything is turning green. Even my Poinsettia is filled with beautiful fronds and my prayer plant is coming out again. Sounds like you are feeling very chipper today. Hugs and Prayers,Pat

  37. Hello Deena,

    I was just stopping by to see how you've been. You're sure in my thoughts a lot. Even my hubby asks me how you're doing.

    You look so pretty with your new hats ... I can not wear hats. You look stunning!

    There aren't any signs of Spring here yet ... other than some melting snow ... and a very big reminder we have some yard clean-up to do after the months of doggies going potty in the snow, LOL! Fun, huh? I did hear birds singing in the trees for the first time on Friday morning. A sure-sign that Spring is coming.

    Wishing you a wonderful week.


  38. hi Deena..

    happy 201st post...ur new background is good... the music u ahve added here is so made me cry the 1st time i visited ur blog...1st sign of was 72F here yesterday n we drove to St.Louis to see the arch.That was my 1st visit to another state after i came to US 4 months back...

  39. Hi Deena,

    I heard the birds singing when I collected my morning newspaper, then I spotted the tips of my daffies peeking out above the snow piled up round our mailbox post!
    Signs of Spring for sure. And it's going up to 60 here today in Pennsylvania.

    I'm so sorry you're not doing as well this time round, I hope and pray you are feeling better by the time this reaches you!

    Thinking of you, sending happiness and light your way....

  40. I love your new blog look. It's stunning even. :~)
    I could use some cute Easter chicks I am thinking...throw my name in the pot.
    Hang in there!

  41. Saturday in Oklahoma I mowed the weeds and leftover leaves (lazy girls way of mulching!). The bridal wreath spirea has green leaves on them, my daffodils are 6 inches high, and the maple tree that was so damaged by the ice storm in Dec. is showing signs of life. However, today Mon., March 3, it is snowing outside. Silly plants are fighting with old man Winter.

    Hope you are feeling better Deena. I'd suggest some pumpkin pie loaded with ginger to help your upset tummy. Maybe I'll join you in pie! Who says it has to be just for Thanksgiving!

    Dale Ann

  42. Deena, I am still in Fl. and I have many signs of spring here. The trees are blooming and the flowers are beautiful. But just wait untill I go home to Ohio....brrr. Hope you are feeling better real soon, rest and take it easy. Hugs and prayers...Sharon K

  43. Happy happy 201 and may there be MANY MANY MORE. Spring wildflowers are poking their little heads up all over central Texas. Fruit trees are blooming and I think every now and then I hear the hum of the lawnmower wanting out of winter storage. Lots of birds coming home too! I had to smile at Jennifer's comment of her daughter's "white" legs.....mine are the same but wanting to peek out for some sun.

    MY JOYS:
    new music on Deena's blog
    going to see my sweet grandbaby on Wednesday.
    the sound of the wind outside my window
    clean sheets
    a new purse!
    promise of spring

  44. It's a sure sign of spring in Florida when the "snowbirds" migrate back north!

  45. Oh, I just love those little chicks, they are adorable! What I have noticed as a first sign of spring is the chirping of the birds in the early morning! I love it! Hearing them sing just cheers me up. Congratulations on your 201st post!

    Hugging you, Sharon

  46. Hello Deena,
    I went out of town on a much needed little trip, a good friend and I. I had such a good time. I came home and
    was so glad to see my wonderful family. I noticed the little violets all over my yard blooming, my favorites with their sweet fragrance.
    My little boys go out and pick them for me to put in little vases to enjoy. I love them , means spring is here....Love to you Pinkie

  47. Hi Deena, Thank you for visiting me today and as you can see by today's blog I posted all about the little Spring greens showing their sweet heads thru the dried up winter leaves. I would love to be part of you gift-away. Hugs, Lynn

  48. Such cute little chicks.--I'd love them! Signs of Spring here--the mocking birds are singing like crazy. I have seen bluebirds in my yard (rare for me), and some really fat robins. The daffadils are up and some azaleas are blooming early!! The bradford pear trees have blossoms and are almost ready to open. The tulip tree was blooming yesterday!! The air is warm and the sun golden and we are supposed to get rain and thunderstorms tomorrow!!

  49. I just love these precious little yellow ducks...pls. include me in your giveaway. Keeping fingers crossed here!! :)
    When I pulled into my driveway yesterday, there were 6 Robins in my yard around my birdbath. I also have 3 little yellow flowers peeking up out of the ground, telling me spring is right around the corner....
    blessings, bj
    Is it the Ireland thingy that is different?

  50. Well let see, the daffodils are up, the tulips will follow soon, the fruit trees are budding, the birds are back at the feeders and we have at least one tornadoe warning a week :-)


  51. Hi Deena, We just came home from a short get-away to the coast. I have one Dew Drop blooming and several buds, and there is a Calla Lily bud that I can hardly wait to see open oh, and I can't leave out a beautiful plum tree in full pink bloom. Just sweet flowers but they do give me great joy. Gentle hugs, Linda

  52. I thought that your background was different! I am not losing my mind like I thought I was!!! Hmmm...signs of Spring... my pear trees are beginning to bud(my dear daughter actually told me this am that she loves it "when the trees do that Mom!") and my bearded Iris' are fully open and standing proud!! Toodles...Angie

  53. I thought that your background was different! I am not losing my mind like I thought I was!!! Hmmm...signs of Spring... my pear trees are beginning to bud(my dear daughter actually told me this am that she loves it "when the trees do that Mom!") and my bearded Iris' are fully open and standing proud!! Toodles...Angie

  54. Deena,

    I love your new background color. I am a lover of greens. Not all greens but most of them and I especially love this cool green color and pink.

    Your little chickens are adorable. I would love to invite them to come and live at my place. :-)

    Sorry I haven't been over as much since I've been down with this nasty bug. I have been praying and will continue to pray for you, Rich and Nichole and the kids.

    Signs of spring are slow in coming here because of the ice. I'm watching carefully for snowdrops. I have seen the squirrels out and about more lately. Though I haven't seen it this year except on tv, the sap is flowing and the sugar bush is making maple syrup - a sure sign of spring.

    Love and blessings,

  55. congrats on your 200th psot. great music you have here, even my dd commented on how nice it is, and she notices very little

  56. Hi Deena,
    I have blossoms on my peach tree and it won't be long before I have lilacs!

    Love your new back ground on your blog!


  57. There are a few buds appearing on the trees...big snow storm expected today. I do hear the birds singing this morning.
    I hope you have a restful day.

    From Lisa...another "pink warrior"

  58. Your chicks are beautiful. They remind me of my childhood. I grew up with my grandparents on a chicken farm, and when the weather was warmer, the new baby chicks would arrive. How I loved spending time with them, even though my Papa told me not to get attached.
    Deena, I read your blog everyday and pray for you. God bless you. Rest, my friend, and get stronger.

  59. Signs of spring in Northeast Georgia:
    ~Pear trees trying to bud
    ~A few buttercups
    ~Seed catalogs, seed catalogs, seed catalogs
    ~Little League fields crowded with kids
    ~Cadbury eggs for sale (my son loves these so I stock up!)


  60. Love the chicks...
    Hope your doing well!
    Your in my thoughts & prayers...


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~