Thursday, March 20, 2008

DId you know??

That I love little children's shoes?? I've been collection them
for years!!  It's a passion & maybe a wee bit of sickness.

but I love finding something old & different. This is just a small
 view of my shoes obsession. 

Today is steroid day & lots of water again.
I've slowed way down on water & I know I need to 
drink up!! I slept most of Tuesday PM & all day and 
night yesterday. Just recovering from that virus I suspect.

Tomorrow is the halfway mark of my treatments.
Rich is going to go, I think he likes to watch over me
and one nurse said "no one can take care of her as good as her husband"

Today's Joys

Vintage shoes

I created a lil journal for my etsy shop

Talking on the phone to "church"

Sitting  outside on the deck, it's in the 50's

The Easter bunny *MOLLYE DEAR*  package that arrived in the mail today 

Received  a sweet necklace from the Goddess Dust Bunny in the Wind
she's one of a kind

A sweet ornament, card & lovely box from my dear Sharon

A hand made card from Traci

Hand made cards from Mary
who's daughter got married TODAY!!

My BFF came over on Tuesday with LUNCH

Music to soothe the savage beast in all of us

I put new ink in the printer and my hands and face are BLUE, teehee
I'm going to tell my Oncologist, I was coloring Easter eggs

What did you find inspiring and joyous today???



  1. I made sugar eggs, that was something I have always wanted to do, so i was able to cross that off of my list. :) That made me really happy today. :) I love your sweet shoe collection Deena, especially the last pair of white felt. Just as sweet as can be :)

  2. Deena,

    Your children's shoe collection is awesome. I learned something new about you today. You are a collector too.

    I'm glad you were able to rest. I suspect you are still fighting the virus. Good to hear from you though.

    Thanks so much for mentioning Michelle's wedding on your blog. You're a dear. It was a lovely ceremony and they enjoyed it. Neither of them like to be the center of attention, so a small, informal ceremony was what they desired.

    My joys for today:

    Knowing that Barry & Michelle are married.

    Enjoying a day with hubby without having anywhere to run to.

    Spring has officially arrived.

    Having you for a friend.

    Blessings and love. Am praying the chemo goes well tomorrow.

    Love you.

  3. love your vintage shoe have such a knack for making lovely out of old worn out
    so happy to see you up and about...
    I am praying for a good chemo day tomorrow...
    my blessings:
    You and your sweet attitude...
    talked to my sweet daughter on the phone
    my dear hubby made dinner
    my dear hubby also filled my car with gas
    have many many blog friend
    I have my health...I forget so many times to thank God for mine and my families good health...
    your friendship
    {{Hugs for tomorrow}}}

  4. Hi Deena,
    Those little shoes are all so sweet. I have some of my baby shoes that Mom saved, but have them just put away.
    You're in my prayers! Stay strong..

  5. Have been thinking & worrying about you all week~ Im GLAD you posted! You KNOW I love shoes too!!! All things little really~ now get that journal in your ETSY~ I wanna SEE it! Feel better & drink your h.2.o's girly~

  6. good afternoon, glad to know you have been resting and taking care of yourself (except fot turning yourself blue) ! :) love your loves....and joys.....and you....water, water, water.....and will be praying all goes well tomorrow.....
    love and prayers,

  7. Hello sweet Deena, I've been thinking of you today, and thinking tomorrow's Friday...I pray when I think of you....I love baby and children's shoes too Deena! Yours are so precious. You are so cute leaning over to show us the ink on your cheek!!! wishing you love and healing, xxoo, Dawn

  8. Have a wonderful Easter Deena

  9. Deena ~ I am so glad that you posted today ~ I have been checking your blog to see how you are doing and have missed you ~
    I love your baby shoe collection ~ what precious little things they are !
    Lot of hugs and prayers !

  10. You look as beautiful as ever,Deena. and your spirit and courage continue to inspire me daily.

    My joys today! Oh, how i love your blog-it always reminds me to find joy in the everyday stuff. My 4 year old told me i was the best tennis player ever today! and although this isn't at all true (i wish-hehe) that little boy made me smile with his support for his mommy.

    It's those little moments with him and in life that i cherish.

    You have a wonderful weekend! :)

  11. I'm glad your husband is going with you tomorrow. The flu takes a lot out of you so you may need to lean on him a bit more tomorrow.

    My joys are a long week-end, my blog friends, and my two doggies in spite of the fact that they drug my favorite quilt off of the bed and out into the backyard, through the doggie door, into the mud...hehe... love them to pieces.

    Will think of you tomorrow. Huggs.

  12. Hi Deena.
    I am so glad you are resting! But you really need to drink your water!
    Your chlidren's shoe collection is beautiful!
    You are in my prayers. Sending you a hugh hug!

  13. playing in the ink again! LOL... (Easter eggs, well, at least it's believable) ;)
    I love little shoes also, I always slow down and look at them, they are sweet reminders of when I held little feet in the palm of my hand...
    Beautiful pictures, as always. It's great that you're going to Ireland soon! I'd like to go someday, too!

  14. I love your shoe collection! I love baby shoes too, but I don't have near the collection you do!I love how you put little bird eggs in the shoes, that is a great idea.

    You are doing good Deena, just keep hanging in there. I pray it goes well for you tomorrow.

    I am so glad you got the little bird, I hope you enjoy it.

    BLessings to you honey,


  15. Deena, I too have been coming by to check on how you were doing. Happy to see you looking so cheerful. Oh I love all those little shoes. I have my crocheted baby shoes, dress, and bib that my mom made and beleive it or not, the dress is pink and shiny thread. It's almost 60 years old---oops, I'm telling my age-lol. I hope you have a great chemo day and a very Blessed Easter. Love and Hugs, Pat

  16. were my inspiration and joy today. And everyday for the rest of my life, you will forever stay an inspiration and joy for me.
    Ya know how I am your soul sister when it comes to reclaiming the innocence of childhood thru children's shoes. And little things like dresses etc! Why you callin it a "sickness" sister when it is the most "well" anyone could do?! ;-) Indulging your love of purity. What better way to fill an empty nest after a job well done?!
    Halfway thru Chemo and I can say...hey, I knew that girl before she even began. Love you. Drink.
    Rest. Love yourself. Create. Use your eyes for beauty and keep them on the prize. church

  17. Hello Sweet Deena, Your little shoes are so precious:) Wanted to say Happy Easter and have a Beautiful day with your family and friends.
    My Grandma was Irish,will I fit in your suitcase:) Love your music.
    God Bless and soft hugs,Mary:)

  18. Just wanted to wish you Happy Spring and Happy Easter!!!!!


  19. Deena, I just finished catching up on your blog and now want to wish you a most blessed Easter. May the knowledge of God's rich grace and mercy live deeply in your heart. Know that you are His treasure and that He delights in you. I think of you often, and I absolutely adored your sweet pictures in my hat. That made my day. Your music has been so soothing while I have visited. I feel rested and full and ready to get to my tasks for the day. Thank you!

    Generous hugs!

  20. I can see why you collect these shoes! They're so wonderful and sweet! Have a Blessed Easter, my friend!

  21. Your shoe collection is so awesome. I am curious to see all the ways you display them.
    You music on here is so delightful...and I know you love it.
    You are still lookin' beautiful, girl...
    hugs, bj

  22. Deena, I came across your blog(s) while I was at Across the Pond, and I just love your blogs -- all of them. I admire you immensely and I want you to know how beautiful you are in your hats; truly.

    Your shoe collection is great! I see old baby shoes around the antique stores in our little town sometimes. I'll think of you now when I see them! If I find anything I think you just can't do without, I'll let you know. ~:-D


  23. Deena,

    Joy: My son is with me for the next ten days. Always nice to wake up in the morning with him in the house, a joy I will never take for granted.

    Inspiration: You. How you continue to blog and be so uplifting and positive is truly courageous. My thoughts and prayers remain with you.

  24. good morning deena.....thinking of you and hoping your day is going as planned and hoped for with chemo....praying you will have good days sweet friend...i will check on you later,
    love and prayers,

  25. Hi Deena! I have had a shoe collection ever since my mom forced it on me at a young age. =) But these days I do it because I want to. I have ladies shoes and a couple of children's red shoes (my youngest always wants red shoes so when I see a darling vintage pair, I can't pass them up). Blessings for Easter.. and the day after and the day after! Praying for you each night. Blessings... Polly

  26. Hello Dear Deena....I am holding your hand today..I hope you are having a good today...tis Good Friday.....many many Blessings and Prayers

  27. Deena,

    Have a lovely Easter weekend, good to see you up and about. I am listening to the wonderful music you have on your site with my coffee, the sun is shining........Rest a while this weekend.

  28. The shoes are sooooo precious, Deena!!! I love children's shoes, too......but don't have a collection like yours!! Hope you are having a good day, and looking forward to the nice weekend ahead. Blessing to you, Trudy

  29. Deena, wishing you and your family a Happy Easter. I'll try to catch up later!

    Love and Hugs,

  30. What a unique thing to collect. They are beautiful....

    I pray you have a special Easter.

  31. Thanks for sharing some of your little shoes with us. As I was looking at them I wondered about the children that wore them and what the grew up to be and if more than one child got to wear them.
    Have a wonderful Easter my friend.

  32. Beautiful shoes for a beautiful woman.

    Ireland sounds wonderful. :)

  33. Wow, you are a serious collector, scrolling they just kept coming. :-) Original too, never heard of another that collected children's shoes, if only they could talk, what tales would they tell. Must be fun to imagine. :-)

    Deena, just wanted to let you know, though I have not commented much of late, you are never far from my thoughts.

  34. I love your little shoe collection Deena, and you are still looking really good :)

    My joys for today are:
    The beautiful sunshine.
    Good news about my friend Su.
    Dusting my cupboard in my studio and moving things around.
    Going through a junk draw and cleaning it out.
    Hugs from my hubby.
    and many many more, but most of all reading your blog :)


  35. Your shoe collections is wonderful. So sweet. My joy for the day? I got to wish a dear relative a happy 80th birthday. Hope you have a Blessed Easter.

  36. It's Easter. I am thinking of you and what an inspiration you are. Then I visited your blog. There was your picture. I wish I could reach out and hug you. I hope you are feeling much better today and that the darn old virus is gone. Deena, I just love seeing your little shoe collection. I have a much smaller collection, but I love them too. I'll send you some photos.Thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Sending a hug-Carole

  37. Hello Deena Dear!

    I love the shoes! I have a shoe tree at Christmas with my Hubby's, My children, My cousin, and My Baby shoes! It is adorable, but doesn't have the vintage look. I love the sentimentality of it!

    My Joy today.....

    coming by Deena's blog on Resurrection Sunday and Rejoicing with her!!!

    Be blessed.


  38. Love the shoes Deena. I have a thing for child's shoes too but use them in my work.

    It's so nice that let your hubby sit with you during chemo. We weren't allowed to have anyone in with us but a few minutes. I think where you are treated is the best.

    Keep up your good spirits. check out on my blog my painted bald egg head from Easter last year. Wish I could come and paint your

    love and hugs sweetie,

  39. Your children's shoes are darling. I can't believe you have more!
    Hope your Easter was wonderful, Deena.

  40. I love those little shoes!! how precious!! I wish I;d known that`` :) I love your Easter post.
    You are a joy for me everyday!!

  41. oohh psss iam so glad iam not the only one that ends up with ink all over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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