Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Race for the Cure

Thanks to all of you who donated to Komen for the Cure.
Our race here in Peoria IL is May 9th.

I believe God has a plan for each of us &
I know I am proof of miracles .  Give it to God.

Matthew 17:20 says, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. 

Mark 9:23 says everything is possible for him who believes. 

Mark 10:27 says that all things are possible for God.



  1. Deena,
    I just realized I only live a couple of hours from you. I don't remember if I have realized that before or not. My mind is so overwhelmed at times with stuff I forget things.
    If you ever want to meet I would too. I hope the race goes well this week. Elizabeth is on a team and has fundriasers almosrt every weekend.
    She was the youngest team captain they have everhad a few years ago.

    Sending you much love, Nita

  2. Wishing you the best with your race.... I have faith we will reach that goal of yours.... keeping my fingers and toes crossed...




  3. i agree Deena, i believe that when you have deep faith in HIM, things will all be fine. Nothing is impossible. Keep that faith burning always.

  4. love your words this morning, deena......!

    *could you tell me if my donation went through, because if not....i need to figure out why it said it did (i have the page printed) and if not....donate again.


  5. Deena,
    You inspire me everyday! Lots of hugs! Susan

  6. You are an inspiration. I am so glad I came across your blog today. I participated a couple of weeks ago in our city's Race for the Cure and wrote a story about it for our online magazine and posted it on our blog as well. Come for a visit. The website/magazine is www.mermaidsofthelake.com I will be thinking of you and saying a prayer.

  7. Beautiful post, as always.
    Love, Debra

  8. Good luck on the race dear friend.. You still have time to get to your goal...... I wish you well......

    Love ya!

  9. Boy it IS so "Springy" up there still. I just got back from a 10 day trip to the Midwest and we were COOOOLD....HA! And I was shocked to see the tuplips and other spring flowers blooming.
    Ours did that in Feb!

    It's been in the 90's here the past few days and SUPER HUMID. We are all already crying this phrase...."what will July and August be like if it's this bad now???"
    Yeah....I think I remember how bad July and August will be. Hopefully no hurricanes.....but it sure heats the Gulf up when we have this kind of crazy warm weather already.
    Hang in there Deena!
    Your a blessing.....

  10. Deena, it was such a wonderful surprise recieving a card from you and knowing that I was in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you sooo very much. I miss coming here and visiting and wish you much success with the race. Love and hugs, Pat

  11. Deena, I hope you have a lovely race and a joy-filled Mother's Day.


  12. Thinking of you this Mothers day and wish you have a beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. My Dear Miss Deena...
    I simply love your previous post's photos. How lovely is springtime there! And I have to say that I loved your current post's scripture references. Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow!

    Hugs to you Survivor Sista!
    Penny Sue


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