Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy May Day

The first day of May, a spring festival, a celebration of the beginning of the spring.


  1. Dear Deena, Thanks for the sweet spring post. I remember dancing around the maypole when I was about 5 and went to St.Louis, Mo with my mom. Everybody wanted me to do it, too, and being from Wyoming I had no idea what they were doing. I hope your day is springy and pink and happy and well.

  2. happy may day to you, dear deena.....hoping your day is filled with joy!

  3. Have a wonderful day, Deena!
    Hugs, Susan

  4. What a lovely post.... when I was a child in Catholic school... we would crown the Madonna on such special day.... it is a beautiful memory that is dear to my heart...


  5. I have greatly enjoyed my parochial memories with some of you ladies today. Thank you for the memories on such a trying day.

    HAPPY MAY DAY to you & thank you Mother Mary.

  6. I was a maypole dancer too! It was SUCH a big deal and we got to wear the our prettiest dress and have flowers in our hair! Oh to be a little girl! :)

  7. Hi Deena~
    You are such an inspiration! Everytime I come to read your blog I am so impressed by you. It makes me always strive to be a better person. With love~ your friend Cathy Pendleton/The Cheswick Co.

  8. Happy May Day to you , my sweet bluebird friend!
    Love, Debra

  9. I just can't quite wrap my brain around the fact that it is May already! Wow~!

    Happy Spring!

  10. Happy May Day to you too my friend! Are you dancing around a pole with pink ribbon? or are you just dancing around with joy? I love you~
    we're having a spring rain today and maybe tomorrow, I love the rain.

  11. Happy May Day!!!!

    Deena, I have to tell you that you look absolutely radiant in your pictures. I haven't been to visit for awhile and have caught up on your recent posts. What a wonderful chair to have to sit on the deck in. And that bird....oh so pretty!

    I think of you so often and pray you are doing good.

    much love,

  12. Happy May Day to you! I had to laugh at the pictures, the elementary school I worked at tried to do the May Pole dance. It was so windy and they used streamers, not very strong, but it was so sweet to see the spirit.

    May your days be full of love and joy!

    Happy Spring!

  13. wishing you a lovely week gal!
    stopping by to say "hello"
    hugs, Tina

  14. Happy May Day to you, I hope it was a happy one for you. I remember it well, when we made the baskets from salt boxes and oatmeal boxes, we always made sure to save them way ahead of time. It was so much fun. We always gave one to my neighbor lady, who was so nice. I love the memories.


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~