Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pink Warriors

Please feel free to take the angel graphic and add to your blog.
Please let me know if you are a pink warrior.
I'll be adding more names of Pink Warriors



Lourdes, new diagnosed, needs our prayers

Martha E

Martha R



  1. Deena,

    Thinking of you and praying.


  2. What a pretty warrior! And how in the world did you get just a square of hair? ;) Blessings... Polly

  3. SweetAnnie, I've not had breast cancer but two of my best friends had it, fought it and won! They read your blog so please add Martha E. and Martha R.
    I am taking your button and putting it on my sidebar warriors that read MY blog will come over and sign up...
    love and prayers, bj

  4. On Mother's Day I will be a 7 year survivor. Traci

  5. Dear Deen, Got it! Thanks a lot. I've always been a pink warrior for you. Hope you have a beautiful day.

  6. You are remarkable. I truly appreciate you sharing your rough journey. You are inspiring. I am constantly reminded to count my blessings because of you. You are always in my prayers.
    Add me to your list of pink warriors.
    Cari B.

  7. Hi Deena.
    I am taking the Pink Warrior and posting it on my blog and thank you for adding my name to your warrior list.I hope one day there will be a cure and no one will ever have to battle this disease again.
    I am so happy that your tests have been all positive for you...oh and still trying to figure out that hair square, lol.
    March 17th it will be a year since I was told I had breast cancer and have only just finished radiation 4 weeks ago.
    Deena, you have gone through so much and I pray that you will now stay healthy and enjoy life and your wonderful family.

  8. You can add my name ... Daria.


  9. Deena, sorry I've been out of the loop, but so happy to read all the great news. I went to your friend Sally's blog and found a paradise of inspiration. Can't wait to see the finished doll. You are still in my prayers. Love and Hugs to a great Pink Warrier. Pat

  10. Great blog button. I'll be a Pink
    Warrior. We are having our Breast Friends event on March 17th. I'll be posting on it soon.

    Blessings, Jan

  11. This is great graphic and I love that you call yourself a warrior

  12. I am a pink warrior for you sweetie!!!
    Margaret B

  13. Deena,
    Please add me to your list of Pink Warriors. My mother had breast cancer and now my Aunt is also
    a pink warrior. You are always on my prayer list. God bless you.

  14. Dear Deena,
    I think about you and pray for you all the time! I am so thankful you are healing up, in no time at all you will have all your beautiful hair back, although the square is pretty cool! :)

    Keep up the fight!
    Donna Lynn

  15. Deena, add me to your pink warrior list.
    I finished 30 radiation treatments one week ago yesterday. Starting tomoxifen for 5 years next week.
    Still praying for you.
    A hair square what a sense of humor
    love katie

  16. Hi Deena, I am a pink warrior, I have her posted on my blog. I love the spread in Victoria Mag., how wonderful. Many blessings to you for the wonderful job you are doing in helping making women aware of breast cancer. You are my Angel, always praying for you,Julie

  17. Hi Denna,
    Thank you for the PINK WARRIOR. I will be adding her to my blog!!!
    Spring will be here soon....I planted 44 pink tulips last fall and cannot wait to see if they come up.
    44...for the Four Sisters...
    Love ya, Amy

  18. Thank you for adding my name to the list! I'm gonna add that Pink Warrior graphic to my blog, too. I don't know why I'm still so reluctant to share a picture of me on my hair is at the fuzzy duckling


  19. Deena,
    please add my name to your pink warriors. I will have my 5 year anniversary in June!
    glad that you are doing better, my pink sister!

  20. Hi Deena , praying for you . Hope you have a wonderful week .

  21. Thank you for all the encouragment. You are a great role model for so many!

  22. Deena,

    Please...would you add my mother to your Pink Warrior Listing? Her name is Rosemary. She's gotten through the treatments successfully thank God. She was just admitted to the hospital to find out what is wrong with her heart now though. I would so appreciate any prayers for her also. Thanks very much, Jane in MI

  23. Deena, you're always in my thoughts and prayers. I'm a pink warrior....8 year breast cancer survivor and supporter of those with BC. Thanks for the Pink Warrior graphic!
    Hugs, Karen

  24. I'm a pink warrior....a 19- yr. survivor and again having chemo. Blessings, Mary

  25. Deena, of course you can be pretty in pink! Or any other color you choose. Honey, we PINK WARRIORS have a can do spirit. Yes, I am a warrior & was blessed to find it early. Keep positive, pray that God will keep you well & LIVE EVERYDAY AS A GIFT FOR THAT IS WHAT IT IS. We can't do anything about yesterday, there's no promise of tomorrow so LIVE today! By the way... Deborah sent me over to you. Hugs


~**~Your kind remarks are my angel wings~**~