Two wonderful books from Kaye Gibbons
Ellen Foster & A Virtuous Woman,
they are Oprah's Bookclub picks.
I loved them both, just post a Blessing you received in 2007
& make sure I can reach you if you win.
I'll draw a winner on 1/1/2008
Tell your friends too
Tis good to give, deena
Hi Deena, Blessings came to me on Christmas Day regarding my two oldest grandsons.One was rushed to the hospital Christmas eve with a hernia and I only found about it on Christmas day and he will need surgery but should be fine. A blessing. The other is incarcerated in Oklahoma and is sick and also an insulin dependant diabetic and we've unendingly lifted him and those in power over him in prayer and we got good news on his behalf Christmas day. Blessings abound. Praise God. Love you, Mollye
ReplyDeleteKaye Gibbons is a prolific author and I loved Ellen Foster!!
ReplyDeleteAs usual, you are giving...your joie de vivre is inspiring!
ReplyDeleteOur blessings for 2007 were abundant... but one special blessing was when our oldest son-in-law (who had been laid off from work in the early part of the year) obtained a very good employment!... the Children had to move across the state... but they have found a Church that they and our grand children all like... and things are looking upward for them...
We thank God every day for this wonderful blessing
and I also thank God for all the wonderful Blog friends I have met this year!!
Dear Deena,The fact that today is my birthday and I have survived another year to welcome it is certainly a blessing.
ReplyDeleteKnowing that we have friends among us who will send their words of wisdom, support and love no matter how far away or busy they may be.That when you need their support or just the time to listen they are there.
I hope you feel that way about us out here at the other side of that screen in front of you as I speak for many, we are all blessed.
xo Susan
ReplyDeleteOne of the blessings that I received this year was meeting you. You have inspired me, prayed for me and I have prayed for you.
There were so many blessings for me in 2007. I thank God for a very good year.
Church says...I do not want the physical gift but I do want you Deena to know that you and your site have been some of my biggest blessings this year. That my Mom is out of pain and got her wish...everyday she would say, "I want to die Nancy"...and I am still alive cause I was not sure I could make it through these past few years with losing my Mom, sister and 3 close friends.....but here I am still standing...ok, maybe leaning, but still here. Here's to a New Year! And God Bless the grandmother Mollye, who wrote of her grandsons...God Bless you woman and know that you are mighty among many, Amen. PS... Mollye, see if you can contact anyone doing prison ministry where he is in OK..Google and see or call churches in the area.
ReplyDeleteDear sweet Deena, a most wonderful blessing that I have received this past year is the multitude of sweet friendships that I have made through this world we call Bloglandia. I have never seen anything quite like it. The kindness, love, prayers and kinship is incredible. We all rally for you too, Deena! Happy New Year ~ a year of healing....xxoo, Dawn
ReplyDeleteDeena....... My blessing this year was my mother. To make long story short.. After two trips to the ER and weeks in the hospital... no help for her... then my brother and I took her ourselves to hospital in larger city... found wonderful Dr that diagnosed her in 5 minutes.. but he kept telling us not to get our hopes up... he just did not know the surgery would be a success... He warned us several times that there may not be a way into where the trouble was...He had been doing that surgery for 7 years and he had never seen Mothers condition fixed.... .. after about the 10th time... I told him,,,Dr...you do what you do best and leave the miracle to God....... He lowered his head and headed to the op room..... after 3 hour surgery that should have been 30 minutes... out he came with a big grin....... We got it he said........ we got it.......... I think he was actually surprised........... Mother would be fine........ It was a moment that I will never forget..... She will turn 88 the 30th of December... and she is well.... God is the Physician.........man is just His hands............
ReplyDeleteThe Blessings I received in 2007 were plentiful....a successful gall bladder surgery, a successful surgery to remove a suspect mole on my Son's head......and meeting all these wonderful women here in Blogland!!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed seeing the pics of your family Deena!
Stay strong!
Just one blessing? Mmmm. There are so many of them! I would say blogging has been one of my biggest blessings - and meeting breast friends like you. :)
ReplyDelete2007 has been a blessed year. I made new friends...kindred spirits in our love of animals. And I discovered the internet world of Christian women's blogs that bless me daily and lift me up.
ReplyDeleteEleven years ago I had breast cancer. I am a survivor, and you are too Deena.
Happy New Year
We were blessed with many things this year.... healthy children, me being cancer-free (twice!).... but probably the blessing with the deepest, most long-lasting impact on me was something a friend from church said. This summer, my husband and I finally joined the church we'd been attending for years. We met with the Session, and afterwards I chatted with one of the elders I had known only to say hello to. We talked about my cancer, and how grateful I was to the church for all they'd done for me through my treatment, and also about how I had found some reasons but continued to search for more reasons why I was chosen to have cancer. My friend Liz said "God puts you where he needs you to be". It still makes me teary-eyed thinking about it. She is so right! That's my blessing, to have met such a wise person so she could give me a wonderfully uplifting statement to remember at all times!
ReplyDeleteHi Deena..I had to laugh at the picture of your grandson's wrestling. That was exactly what my nephews were doing on Christmas day.
ReplyDeleteI have had many blessings this year, but the greatest by far, has to be my husband. After 6 tours of duty in Iraq, he developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and was suicidal. Somehow, (God's Grace), he managed to finish the last 4 months of his tour and came home. He was hospitalized most of the summer, but is home now, having outpatient treatment. The military is working on medically retiring him. We just celebrated our first Christmas together in 5 years. It is just wonderful to be able to talk to him whenever I want to.
Deena, I send up prayers every day for you and love reading your blog..Hugs..Kim
Good Morning Deena,
ReplyDeleteI am coming by way of Robin of Bitter Sweet Punkin's place. She suggested I come over and visit. I am glad I did. Well, 2007 has been a fairly bad year for us. We have lost our house and a vehicle. But God provided us with another home and another vehicle. Another thing is my hubby's boss is selling all of his truck's except for 2 and hubby was going to be out of a job. But, "THANK GOD" he has one waiting for him on the 2nd of January. GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!!!! I enjoyed visiting your blog. I have another blessing of starting blogging in September and meeting so many nice and wonderful Women online. I really enjoy it. Deena, I will be keeping you in my prayers and pray for a speedy recovery. I have had Family members that have had Breast Cancer. I know GOD will heal you from it. Take care my friend and have a great Friday. May God Bless You and Yours. Please put my name in for the Giveaway. I would appreciate it.
Karen H.
Deena, it was so good to talk to you. You sound wonderful and peaceful and content.
ReplyDeleteThough I found out I had Breast Cancer at the end of 2006, the blessings of that came in 2007. I do beleive that doing chemo opened up incrediable new doors for me. So many of my blog friends carried me through with cards, emails and gifts. I was so alone being far from my friends that we had moved away from, so my blog friends really made up for my lost. Then starting a cancer support group for women, what a blessing it is indeed. If I hadn't done chemo I would not have met so many wonderful people online or in person. Oh, and the other blessing of chemo, I now have curly hair...lol. So I guess I would sum it up and say chemo was my 2007 blessing. May it be your 2008 blessing sweetie.
Healing prayers,
Deena what lovely books. Hope all is going well for you.
It seems like many of the women commenting are like me, be blessed by blogging friends. I've also been blessed by joining Art in the Word. While I don't have time to do many of the verse prompts, those weekly verses and Diana's daily verses are blessings. I love that group! God also blessed me with being able to get my dream car, something I never thought possible being in ministry. But with God, all things are possible. I suppose I could go on forever, and it's almost time for bed, so I'll stop now. Take care, dear lady.
Would love to enter your giveaway! I have enjoyed reading your blog. What a fine lady and inspiration you are. You have a lovely family you have and what handsome grandsons.
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog. We were blessed this year with a new baby from China. Saying prayers for you in the new year.
Hi Deena~ First let me say I am jealous of your snow...here in PA we still waiting. Your pictures are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI had a small sweet blessing Christmas morning from my daughter Lydia. She is 7 and all she wanted from Santa this year was a MP3 player and a bell from Santa's sleigh (she loves the Polar Express). I remembered that I had this old sleigh bell with no dinger (don't remember what that thing is called??) I bought it for .25 cents at a flea market for something???? It is about the size of a baseball and has a little old crack in it. I was able to squeeze a tiny jingle bell inside and it sounds magical. It was tucked in her stocking. When she found it on Christmas she cried, almost sobbed with happiness. She ran over to me and hugged me so tight. It even brought a few tears to my husbands eyes. Her joy this Christmas morning is one I will treasure always. She is my little blessing!
Happy New Year 2008 to you and your family and God bless. Jenn
Hi Denna I was blessed in 2007,my first blessing was that I haved through prayer received inner piece and relize how lucky I am in my life.Second on the very last day of the year I found out my prayers have been answered and My daughter and son-in-law are going to have a baby.My prayers are with you .Best Wishes and a Happy New Year Brenda:)